
OpenIV isn’t really a single mod, though.

As long as my console of choice, this gen the Xbox One, remains available for sale and continues to have games, I don’t give a shit which company sells more consoles.

Well shit, I was wrong. It can’t be done offline.

She was four. I know, it’s only two years, and fucked up is fucked up, but there’s every possibility that she can’t remember not having been raped.

Counter-point: he raped a 4 year old for two years, stopped because he got caught, received a slap on the wrist, and is still probably going to waltz into an MLB contract. A hit piece is the least of what he deserves, and far better than what his victim got.

If you want to feel worse, only three teams have removed him.

I’m not honestly sure. I only ever tried it once, with Mass Effect 3, and literally the next day, all three came to EA Access. I don’t think I have any discs, but if I do, I’ll go offline tonight and check.

That’s also a really good point. They could hardly have picked a methodology more calculated to make BC look bad.

“This feature my preferred box doesn’t have is sporadically used, so let me argue that more options is somehow worse.”

And there is the truth of the matter. If Sony does it, it’s a mandate handed down from the heavens. If Microsoft does it, it either doesn’t matter, or it’s not good enough.

Install. Not download.

What? No you don’t. If the game in question is BC, you just stick the disk in the Xbox, install the game, and then play it. You don’t have to buy anything again.

They’re in a huge lead because Don Mattrick couldn’t find his dick with both hands and a map, and he handed Sony this generation about four minutes into the Xbone launch announcement. Let’s not pretend that Sony’s lead is due to any particular business acumen on Sony’s part. It’s not hard to win a race when your

I’m pretty sure it’s installing the game from the disk, not downloading it, since it also does that for games that aren’t available digitally.

That was my reaction to it as well. Anything divided by millions of users is going to look small. If you were going in looking to support the argument that BC isn’t worth it, though, this would be the best way to do it.

To be fair, Microsoft doesn’t particularly seem to care how much it gets used. I suspect that the interpretation of the data here is somewhat misleading because it’s measuring use against the entire playerbase. With that standard, nothing is going to look successful.

I can respect the honesty here, shitty though it is. “I don’t care about the misogyny, I just also don’t care enough about the writer to deal with the shitstorm.”

There’s a general rule of thumb that anyone who feels the need to #notall a given group is probably part of the reason the group has that reputation in the first place.

If Shanny hadn’t sacrificed RG3 in his rookie year on the altar of a game they weren’t winning anyway, who knows what RG3 might’ve been.

It’s just so goddamn redundant. Like, dislike him because he doesn’t experience blackness in the same way you do, I’d get that (with the obvious caveat that I don’t need to “get it.”) Be mad that he is given opportunities that you aren’t because he’s seen as ‘less threatening’ by Midwestern soccer moms. Criticizing