I went to a supercar race at VIR as a kid; that’s a pretty damn fantastic sound.
I went to a supercar race at VIR as a kid; that’s a pretty damn fantastic sound.
Why choose not to wade back into the cesspool of germs to finish an article you could either look up online for free or spend $4 on anywhere else?
They probably should have provided a holster.
Did you catch game 7 of Blackhawks/Blues last year where what would have been the series winner for the Blackhawks hit both posts and still didn’t go in. What a punch in the dick.
I don’t know, the Falcons giving up a sack that put them out of field goal range when they could have just run the ball or kicked a FG might be worse.
These are both correct. Both Jump Street movies are far better than they have any business being, but I think what seals 22 as the better movie is that it knows comedy sequels are hard to get right and tackles it head on. I could do with less of the dudebro love fest that takes up the middle 1/3 of the movie, but…
Kansas is such a weird state. 3.2 beer is fine, and several grocery stores have liquor stores in the same building but *wink wink* separately housed from the groceries.
I think you made the right call.
Playing for the USWNT is a job. Doing your job to the best of your ability while not agreeing with everything your company does is not a thin opening to thread. Using the platform provided by your high profile job to advocate for things you believe in is not self aggrandizement.
Yeah, it kinda does. Or, rather, it means you don’t oppose it enough to not financially support an unrepentant abuser.
The difference there being that N64 and GC weren’t based around gimmicks that really benefit from having software included to introduce and highlight. Of the 100 million Wiis Nintendo sold, how many do you think were bought by non-gamers specifically for Wii Sports? My 75 year old mother-in-law has a Wii that she…
For me, it not seeming very much like a Zelda game is what put me off. I’m all for games evolving as they get older, but from what I’ve read (and now seen) BotW doesn’t look like a proper Zelda game as much as a different game in Zelda cosplay. It very likely is a fantastic game, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not going…
The idea that the only way forward as an alcoholic is 100% abstinence 100% of the time really has to go. For some people, yes, it’s all or nothing, but that’s not the only option.
I see this talking point constantly, that Muslim immigrants/refugees would *like* Sharia Law to be implemented, and I always find myself asking the same question: so what? I’d *like* speed limits to be abolished and for laws governing science and education to be science based. Neither is likely to happen.
The ability to hit a target, any target, at a mile out is not ordinary. I don’t agree that nobody would be surprised by someone nailing a melon from a mile. I think almost everyone would be shocked, with the level of surprise increasing exponentially with the level of gun knowledge.
*except California
Sure, the gun is designed to shoot far as hell, but to hit a target that far takes an absurd amount of training. Give the average shooter a .50 cal and point them at a barn a mile away, and that barn isn’t getting so much as a scratch.
I’m nervous that JW2 can’t possibly be as good as the first, that they’re going to Hollywood it up and make it another generic action flick.
His points are all valid, but despite that, it’s still not an awful movie. I wouldn’t buy it outright, but for $6 (or less) on your platform of choice, it’s not a bad way to spend a couple hours.