Not that the ultra rich need a reset button to get away with most things.
Not that the ultra rich need a reset button to get away with most things.
It’s not wildly different from the wider world, where allegations of sexual assault are equally likely to be dismissed with any of the dozens of bullshit excuses society makes for it as it is to be taken seriously.
That’s what my mother-in-law buys, and I always make a point of taking a shit when I’m at her house for the pure luxury of it.
Drew, next time you buy TP, spend like a dollar more and buy Charmin Essentials. It’s about $5 for 6 huge fucking rolls, so it’s only a little more expensive than whatever horseshit TP you’re buying, but the difference is worth at least $35. Even for the most disturbing shits, the ones you feel like taking a shower…
I’d argue that reading this post and getting such a sandy vagina that he came to the comments to make it all about him suggests he is exactly who Drew is talking to.
I guess it’s satisfying that the red hats are celebrating LITERAL COASTAL ELITES winning a shiny trophy and a ring that costs more than their car.
NFL’s overtime rules remain the worst in sports. 60 minutes of skilled play comes down to the result of a coin toss. The argument that the defense should step up doesn’t hold up without holding both defenses to the same standard.
I’d argue that Beckham is too soft emotionally to be a truly great trash talker. He’ll get mouthy, but when things don’t go his way, he falls apart.
The Five-seveN is on the expensive side, but not remarkably so, at around $1200. That’s expensive compared to, say, a Glock, but for high performance handguns, it’s pretty standard. The 5.7x28 ammo isn’t prohibitively expensive, especially for self defense rounds (which are cheaper than the 9mm Guard Dog ammo I run in…
Unless I’m drastically misunderstanding how proper competitive chess works, the only thing that matters is the player’s skill, and it’s just happenstance that in this case the best woman is out-ranked by around 100 guys. It’s probably more a matter of inertia than anything else at this point, but there’s obviously at…
I was thinking about this today. I’m a UNC fan and that loss is one of the most painful sports losses in my life, but if you’d put a gun to my head, I couldn’t have named who it was to.
I stand corrected. That is perfectly valid.
That shit only works in the context of dating. That is not a game a wife will play.
If this was replacing the 3DS, you’d be right, but it’s not. Nintendo themselves have said that it’s not replacing the 3DS. They need the 3DS revenue to keep them only slightly in the red versus drowning in it without.
I can not, for the life of me, figure out why anyone in general, and on this site specifically, gives a shit. Having a complicated, private relationship/lack of relationship with one’s family isn’t illegal, and it’s clearly not affecting his performance on the field, which would be just about the only reasons it’d be…
Then report that it exists, excellent. But Buzzfeed reported the unsubstantiated contents of the dossier, which is what is being covered as the news here.
Should we not hold the media to a higher standard than “well, Donald Trump did it.”
That’s the rub, but think about the steak and lobster you could waste taxpayer money on. Sure you’d have to eat Ramen and dirt for the rest of the month, but that one meal would really be something else.
The government will only give you free money if you’re, what was it, “dropping babies in adolescence and don’t stop.” Have you considered promiscuity and drug use?
I’m not going to lie, this was iffy for like 3/4 of the comment. If the country survives the next administration, we’re going to need to have a proper funeral for casual irony. These nazi frog motherfuckers have killed it along with the 70-odd year streak of nazi fanboyism being a shameful secret.