I think this is his 3rd, maybe 4th.
I think this is his 3rd, maybe 4th.
It looked like two hits in close succession. He took a helmet to the facemask immediately followed by the hit to the back of the helmet.
They are the same thing, only the assholes on Stormfront don’t do us the service of wearing white hoods. The Klan, while “scary” in a historical sense, is essentially a handful of racist shitbags who have awful taste in cosplay. The people who spend their time on Stormfront and sites like it are vastly larger in…
That must be it, because frankly barring some deep evolutionary barrier, there’s no chance we haven’t taken to eating each other by this point.
It’s not drag.
The NES controller cable was a hell of a lot longer than 2.5'
Controller cables aren’t plugged into the back of your TV, so if the worst happens, you’d jerk a $60 mini console down and not a TV worth hundreds.
I definitely don’t think she should be allowed to play professional sports.
You are to a degree, but it’s a damn fine thing to be a sullen asshat about.
If only it was almost any other team...
Horse shit the Stein voters voted red down ticket. Michigan was won by 17,000 votes for Trump, and Stein had 51,000. 0% of those votes would otherwise have gone to Trump. If Trump doesn’t win Michigan, he does not win the electoral college, and he loses the popular vote, period.
Whatever promises Trump doesn’t keep will be blamed on Democrats by the sane block, and the blacks and Jews by the Twitter egg crowd. Surely you aren’t so naive as to think what got Trump elected was his policy positions. As long as he keeps the dog whistle at his lips, his supporters will be there.
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.
To the degree that the white middle and lower class is suffering, so much of it is borne out of a steadfast devotion to voting against their own self-interest. Stop electing politicians who are openly prioritizing pouring every ounce of political capital into the top of the income bracket. You can only complain about…
The media is absolutely biased toward the cult of fairness. They’re so afraid of being called “the liberal media” that they purposely avoid the hard truths in favor of equivocation. And like the rural poor who continue to vote against their own interests and can’t understand why their shit stays broken, their efforts…
I also included xenophobia and sexism.
It’s the open racism, xenophobia, and sexism. It’s the twitter eggs putting Jewish last names in parentheses and making oven jokes who, for the first time in decades, saw one of the presidential candidates who not only didn’t repudiate them but, in varying degrees of explicitness, welcomed them with open arms. It’s…
As it turns out, when there is a huge, effective effort to suppress voting by people who generally vote Democratic, absolutely anyone can win the Presidency. Add to that a portion of the electorate who views their desire to vote in protest of their party’s chosen candidate as more important than voting against the…
I’m thrilled that Belichick wrote it, but it’s disappointing that ol boy can’t put together a sentence to save his life.
Believe me, everyone has gotten the message that Sanders has a wide base of support. Unfortunately, that base, like you, has a fundamental lack of understanding about how elections work. If you want to send a message to the Democratic party, elect Democrats in down ballot races that align with your beliefs. Voting for…