
Not just killed, but specifically lynched. But hey, the fart sniffers say we should feel compassion for the poor Trump voter, who has been, through no fault of their own (if you don’t count the plethora of ways it’s their own goddamned fault), left behind by the modern, urban-centric world.

Obviously in a perfect world, every useless asshole would land a gig writing for Gawker.

That’d work if they were calling everything, but they’re still missing multiple huge, often game-changing calls every week.

This whole thing is emotionally charged, but Drew celebrating sporting accomplishment instead of shitting on it is the thing that made it get all dusty all of a sudden .

If you can’t jack off with your ghost dad to a soundtrack of the Cubbies winning the goddamned World Series, I don’t think this is even America anymore.

This is the correct take, because it’s well known that pop culture exists in a vacuum where it is neither influenced by nor acts to influence real life. Birth of a Nation? A good and fine movie with no objectionable content because it’s fake.

Your cat may or may not be real.

Fortunately it was a Bills fan’s so they’re probably in the system and you know their DNA is all over that thing.

It came in an email, which she deleted.

Not really cognitive dissonance, just the same motives in a different color scheme.

WWI stands out though, because it was entirely bureaucratic. WWII was brutal, but it was a battle against quantifiable evil. WWI was the result of extensive treaties. Arguably defeating Hitler was a cause worth dying for. WWI is completely lacking anything like that.

They aren’t invincible, but they are wearing armor, as they did in WWI. You did miss that day.

It doesn’t. The rest of the campaign are individuals.

There pointedly is no score, no goal to be achieved other than to go as long as you can without dying and kill before you are killed, or your countrymen are killed. No amount of faux reverence could capture actual war, and to try would be an insult. You decry the loss of lives lost but not felt, but that is the

Especially in a war that was basically over paperwork. Neither side was good nor bad, they just were party to treaties and had to go to war. I can see why EA wouldn’t want to play both sides with a WWII game, but the only real difference in WWI was which country you were from.

On the bright side, the Allies made sure, by excessively dicking Germany and its allies, to meticulously create the perfect set of circumstances that allowed Hitler to rise to power.

Perhaps we could raise the question of why the kids are missing so much school instead of shunting them into a corner so they don’t bother the other kids. Alternatively, I suppose, since you’ve already written them off entirely, we could just send them directly to prison.

I thought the same until I saw the byline.

Y’all should really update this to clarify that the game is only playable through the 30th. As of the 31st, you’ll have to buy it to keep playing.

It’s just free for the weekend, ie to play it on Oct 31, you’d have to buy it.