I have a hard time feeling sorry for Jimmy Snuka about anything.
I have a hard time feeling sorry for Jimmy Snuka about anything.
The difference there is that there is not a history of football players murdering police officers, nor is there a sworn duty for football players to do anything but play football.
HighlySelassie - JimTomsulasCardboardBox
That is fantastic.
Can't pour cheese on Lucky Charms.
Oh sure, when you imagine someone standing over you with a knife it's all well and good, but when I actually do it somehow I'm "unstable."
In Kansas, our grocery stores can sell only beer, and it's limited to 3.2, so basically water.
Except when those "values" and that women should know their place and stop whining about occasionally getting popped.
Based on the name, I suspect he’s more wanting to sell his work to people who want to be professional cosplayers but don’t want to do the work.
It absolutely is the real name.
Carrying loaded firearms in a fucking duffel bag is bad enough, but with a round in the chamber? Jesus Christ. All the gun control in the world isn’t going to fix dumbasses like this.
I appreciate you making Redskins fans choose between Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones.
Another book that seems like it'll never actually come out.
Instead, here’s a selection of tweets from some of the best soccer players in the world, and Alex Morgan.
There was a non-zero chance they'd actually shot the mascot. This Olympics is going to make Sochi look like the London games.
That motherfucker doesn’t have roommates, he has alibis who live with him.
Jesus, I thought Cartman explaining how Kyle was behind 9/11 was an exaggeration, but apparently, much like the Scientology and Mormon episodes, it was a straight recitation of fact.
Trolling is what you're doing. What this guy did is called threatening.
I'm genuinely curious: you think a conservative agenda is more likely to get something done on this issue?
Getting teabagged and called a faggot isn't really the same as, for instance, getting your address published in the middle of a lengthy screed about exactly how you're going to be raped.