So, hey, I was wrong. It wasn't Smith and Carlos at the '68 Olympics, but it was a lot more confrontational than I expected, and much closer to your prediction than mine.
So, hey, I was wrong. It wasn't Smith and Carlos at the '68 Olympics, but it was a lot more confrontational than I expected, and much closer to your prediction than mine.
Sour Skittles are the only Skittles.
Part of what makes him so popular is how outspoken liberals are about hating him.
Got 'eeeem
I also really like him, and didn't know until today that that was an even vaguely unpopular opinion.
You're probably about 15 years too late.
I'm not shocked by Joe Rogan being slightly racist, but I'd have never guessed he'd know the phrase is champing at the bit, not chomping.
The brazenly shitty treatment of RG3 was what finally compounded with all the other shit to break my Washington fandom. I'd like to see him redeem himself and find success, hopefully on a team that will allow him to son Washington frequently.
A couple years ago I needed to have a tooth pulled and couldn’t afford to go to a proper dentist, so I went to a clinic with a dentist. They misjudged the amount of anesthetic and then, as if that weren’t enough, broke the tooth mid-extraction. What anesthetic I did get wore off midway through the line at Walgreens,…
You still buy the W-as-hapless-idiot thing? I don't doubt that he was pushed farther along the evil axis than he would have been without Rove and Cheney, but I think it's giving Bush too much credit to portray him as an empty suit.
My only consolidation is that Republicans thought Trump would've burned out by now too. At least the Republican machinery is starting to worry. A week after the inauguration, liberals will still be scoffing that Trump can't really have won.
History is on Republicans' side (Bush I is the only time the party of a two-term president retained the White House iirc), and the Democratic options for candidate is in their favor too. I just don't see the rank and file liberal being fired up for Hillary after the seven months of already recorded BENGHAZI! EMAILS!…
It’s *made* in South Carolina. FN is a Belgian company, sure, but if I’m not mistaken, most high quality, high end pistols aren’t made by American companies, even while they’re manufactured here.
I don't know, the six months of watching John McCain being cuckolded by his own campaign and Sarah Palin was pretty pathetic.
We've been saying, "Oh, no, he's not..." about Trump since he entered the race, and he keeps doing it. We're going to nominate Hillary and every right-of-center Super PAC is going to spend seven months running Benghazi/email ads until only the Hillary faithful show up to vote for her and Trump is going to sweep the…
British commentary just isn't compatible with NASCAR-style auto racing.
I can’t imagine how awful it is to lose that close of a race. I still occasionally (briefly) agonize about fuck ups I made in high school, and mine are along the lines of “oh god, why did I think that mix CD was a good idea.”
Wichita never makes the news for good things.
Winter Soldier is still my favorite Marvel movie, but Deadpool is now a solid 2nd place. Up until the movie started, I expected them to fuck it up. It needed to be R-rated, it needed a lead actor and writers who *get* Deadpool, but even with those things, I thought they’d fuck it up. The trailers were promising, but I…
The last time I had Little Caesars, it made me the sickest I have ever been. I’ll skip the first round of double-ended expulsion, which was horrible, but it led to the oddest vomiting I’ve ever experienced. After the initial unpleasantness, it seemed like it was all over so I had my wife pick me up a fountain Sprite…