The Rock, WWE personality, is the dirt worst, and the sooner we see him for the last time the better.
The Rock, WWE personality, is the dirt worst, and the sooner we see him for the last time the better.
So is weed in Washington
Real ass marijuana is legal in Washington. What the fuck is he fucking around with synthetics for?
I’m not arguing that digital is always cheaper. It often isn’t. I was arguing against Jango’s claim that digital is never cheaper. I’d have normally chalked it up to hyperbole and ignored it, but it was a frequently repeated claim, so I used literally the first evidence against it.
I can't tell if you're serious or mocking MS fanboys, so have a star for that.
Microsoft tried to implement a very similar system, and the reaction from the internet would make you think it required the user to ritualistically sacrifice a puppy every time you turned the system on.
Could games be bought digitally from the original Xbox Live? I didn't switch to the Xbox platform until the 360,so I'm not trying to be shitty, I don't know.
Right now on the eShop, Super Mario 3D World is $40. The disk is $60. The digital versions of physical discs are frequently cheaper. But you know that.
Did someone forget to plug them in?
Bryan had a chance to change his style when he came back last year, and it took two matches before he was diving off the turnbuckle headfirst. WWE devoted six months to his ascension to the championship, and he immediately gimped himself and was out for months. He came back and they gave him the #2 title and planned…
I think you’re underestimating how much the average fan does exactly what they’re told to.
That's really, really not how that works.
Deadspin ≠ government.
One of my best friends is super into both BvS and Suicide Squad, and it is beyond my comprehension. Like, you realize Cap 3 is coming out this year, right?
Imagine how many more sick children the Seahawks could have helped if they weren’t spending $150,000 over the last decade leasing their fans’ identity from Texas A&M.
The problem with reading lengthy reviews is that they invariably color your experience. I’m not talking about spoilers, which you expect any halfway decent reviewer to avoid, but personal observations, flaws you wouldn’t notice if you didn’t already know they’re there, a context the person reviewing the game has that…
It seems like instead of scrapping it completely, it could be expanded.
Probably because you were dragging girls out on the dance floor to whatever bullshit happened to be playing.
Shit, I pop a semi listening to End Of The Road in my car.
A fucking genius.