
So punt it.

A kickoff to start an offensive drive isn’t football?

Paid for, no doubt, from out of the pot of secret money they get paid to throw games for/against Your Team®

Or at least one drive for the other offense. College football has the right idea, but their execution is all wrong. If the same scoring rules applied, but with proper kickoffs, OT would definitively determine the better team.

He was suggesting they go farther, not go back to the old rules.

Usually Deadspin is better than this.

The idea of college OT is decent, but starting at the opponent’s 25 is stupid. If the NFL adopted the scoring rules with regular kickoffs, they could be at a happy medium without having to go a full 5th quarter.

I think he meant Cam's dad, who gives off a bit of a Joe Jackson vibe.

Wilson, Taylor, and Bridgewater are all the “right” kind of black quarterback: quiet. Bridgewater and Taylor both get bonus points for performing just above mediocre, and what Wilson has in skill, he makes up for in lack of any discernable personality other than #brand.

I ended up buying Lego Marvel four times. I bought it on release for PS3 and 100%ed it. Then I bought it on sale for 360, PS4, and Xbox One in that order. I played a little on 360 and PS4, and haven’t started it yet on my Xbox One because I’m an idiot and bought Lego Star Wars TCS at the same time and have been

Sit down, son, we need to have a painful conversation.

Lego Star Wars absolutely feels dated. I picked it up for a song during Xbox’s Christmas sale, and while I’m still enjoying it a lot, there’s no denying that it was their first Lego game.

EA has said that once a game enters the Vault, it is there permanently. Thus far, everything in there has stayed. You only get the base games, but occasionally Access has given away DLC. I know for Battlefield 4, they gave away Naval Strike. You do get 10% off of DLC, for what that’s worth.

Isn’t the individual donor limit $2300? Even if your $500m or so donation magically locked down the Presidency, it doesn’t create the 60 vote majority in the Senate to actually pass any of the legislation you’d want from a Bernie Sanders presidency.

“It’s not right to call any part of Alabama’s 45-40 victory in last night’s national championship game fluky...”

You left off Phineas and Ferb, which is one of the best cartoons on TV.

Carroll’s trutherism is far more objectionable than Russ’s personal belief system.

That’s fair. I apologize for how dickish I was.

Burke, somebody let Simms in and he's writing under your byline.

Nobody on the Steelers has any character flaws.