
It looked to me like he was leading with his shoulder, where the Bernard hit was as blatant a helmet to helmet as you're going to see.

Since Burfict is getting suspended/fined/personally spanked by Goodell, I wish he’d have run upstairs and popped Phil Simms in his fucking mouth.

If Marvel Studios can make a good Spider-Man movie, I can overlook a little ritual sacrifice. Most kids are dicks anyway.

The price is what it is, what bothers me is twofold. One, and by far the biggest, Oculus specifically told consumers NOT to contribute to the kickstarter for a dev unit. Now the Kickstarter contributors are getting a retail unit gratis. I get not wanting to give the thing away, but to turn away the people most

Don’t let giving up on Lego Batman 3 discourage you from future titles. It’s a crap Lego game. The whole point of the Lego games, for me at least, is how every character on your team has one specific purpose, so once you’ve got all the characters required to 100% a level, there’s a feeling of accomplishment. Lego

That was a drop on a podcast I listened to for three years, and I never knew where it came from.

Misspelling Kanye while bitching (incorrectly) about a perceived typo was perfect.

“In Bruges” is one of my desert island movies. It hits every button in my happy place.

I always tried to at least keep up the pretense that my shit was together enough to not steal sugar from a restaurant until at least the third date.

Colin Farrell is a good pick. Most of what he's in is shit, but when you see him in something that isn't, he's shockingly good.

The last time Star Wars got creative, we got Jar Jar, midiclorians, and nearly 8 hours essentially all about the galactic senate. Fuck that entirely.

Isn’t the problem here that the “right way” is to wipe them the fuck out? Their stated purpose is insurrection, and the “right way” to respond to that isn’t to pat them on the head and pretend nothing happened.

If they wanted to die they'd have brought a black teenager.

A college football team isn’t a faceless entity.

I’m not sure I follow how it’s not pathetic of OU. If the premise is that they’re fine with having a player who punched a woman in the face since nobody saw the footage, but wouldn’t be if the footage was readily available, that is incredibly pathetic.

Getting away with it is definitely easier.

If a musician other than Jim Johnston belongs in the Hall of Fame, it's Motorhead.

I'm guessing most of us wouldn't survive living one day like Lemmy.

“punk rock snob phase, in the depths of which I interrogated the aesthetic and ideological purity of pretty much every record I listened to.”

I’m always suspicious of shit like this. It’s just such a huge fucking mistake to make, so many hugely unlikely things have to happen, and Occam’s Razor being what it is, I have a hard time taking it at face value.