
There is literally nothing to physically identify that person as a woman.

I could see it being a personality thing. Most of us know someone who can’t wipe their ass without a bullet-pointed checklist. I agree that the level of detail is excessive, but I also know from experience that something as simple as “a brown purse” can quickly turn into three hours at Von Maur trying to find just the

You seem fun.

I was expecting much worse from the 21 year old’s list. Her taste in basically every form of media is questionable, but what 21 year old doesn’t have garbage taste?

My mother-in-law’s name is Marvadeen, which in no fucking way is happening. This is our 8th year interacting, and I think I’ve said her name exactly once. I just mutter in her direction, and when she asks what I said, I use that to start a conversation. It works surprisingly well.

I'm guessing the combined birthday/Valentine's Day gift only happens once.

I was really concerned, given the ubiquity of the damn thing in every form possible, that BB-8 was going to be this movie’s Jar Jar (annoyingly oversaturated, blatant money grab). Fortunately, he’s far closer to Wall-E, which is the best a robot can aspire to in my book.

I can't remember the last time a single moment in a movie filled my heart with that much joy.

Hell, just the potential that he might eat his teammates should be enough to get a call from Jerry.

I have three nephews who live nearby, and they are awful, so this year I convinced my wife that we should get them high-end (as these things go) Nerf guns and watch as they shoot the living shit out of each other. I figure a Nerf gun with an effective range of 100’ will probably be a sonofabitch at the 2’ range

Makes sense.

Christ, I hadn’t seen the hit from that angle.

I hope this meme never goes away.

From my limited experience with the Alpha, the two are very much separate. Once I left the base, I can’t remember running into any other people at all, and definitely not in an adversarial way.

I can’t see that happening. The amount of hate the guy gets now at the helm of a mostly undefeated team is nothing compared to the takes if the Panthers win it all. God help if he shows a little personality in the Super Bowl with 200m impressionable children watching. At best, he’ll be “one of the good ones,” which is

I suspect he was more referring to his insistence that a kid, and only a kid, get every touchdown ball at home games, not him taking down a banner that isn't allowed in the first place, folding it up, and giving it to security.

I think it was on Monday’s podcast that Berry was lamenting being let down by Coby Fleener, mentioning that he had inside information that Fleener was going to be heavily featured. That got me thinking about the ethics, both legal and moral, of football insiders using privileged information in fantasy football,

I also hate traders.

That’s like saying “I only eat burgers and fries. I’m too old for this foodie bullshit.”

Not like Sony announcing they’re going to be selling PS2 games on PS4, but not the PS2 games they sold last gen, and certainly not the PS2 games you bought when they were on PS2.