Even in this comments section there are people complaining about ads on the Xbox One dashboard when PS4s automatically downloaded and installed The Taken King when it came out.
Even in this comments section there are people complaining about ads on the Xbox One dashboard when PS4s automatically downloaded and installed The Taken King when it came out.
It’s worth pointing out that console gaming as we know it today would likely look hugely different if not for Microsoft. Hard drives? Xbox. Robust online features? Xbox. Downloadable indy games on console? Xbox. Hell, trophies? Xbox.
The Taken King downloading itself was far more egregious than the one small square of ad in the bottom corner of the Xbox One dashboard.
Only on 360. Xbox One GWG games are only yours so long as your subscription is active.
I agree that this gen is almost certainly lost for Microsoft, but I think that’s more down to the outstanding job Sony is doing on stretching the advantages they were handed before the systems ever touched store shelves.
My mother-in-law’s name is Marvadeen. I’d rather name my hypothetical daughter the title of a porno than that.
The problem with the lack of compensation for college athletes is separate from the issue I'm talking about.
This is one of my problems with one-and-done. Nineteen is awfully damn young to be given a boatload of money and fame, and then be set loose with no structures. Obviously the majority of players handle it mostly fine, but this seems like a pretty glaring case of it going badly. It seems to me that giving your best…
I frequently drove into the high 90s just for something to do with my friends when I was 18, so partially it's just stupid teenager shit. Granted, we were in rural Virginia, so the situation is slightly different, though which is safer is a bit of a toss-up.
I could have sworn there was a gap between that employee winning and leaking the information about lineups.
There is an allusion to Tokyo Drift.
They'll hold that one for tomorrow. Can't get all the clicks at once.
Or, if you have abnormally large feet (16-17 in most brands but Nike, 18 in Nike), your shoe shopping is limited to what you can find that isn't completely offensive and doesn't require a line of credit.
That’s the best explanation I’ve seen of why Watt rubs so many people the wrong way. He seems like kind of a dorky kid from Wisconsin who happens to be a physical freak of nature. I suspect he would be much less annoying if he’d just be that guy, but he seems to have decided that he is the role model America needs, so…
I never felt the need to learn to tolerate the taste of beer, so having something beer-like to drink while out socially is handy. I quite like Angry Orchard when I can find it on tap, but the bottled (and canned) versions are hollow shells that should be avoided.
As long as Mounds are dark chocolate and Almond Joy is milk, Almond Joy is better.
Definitely the chef, but I’d go tech blogger over the libertarian.
See, I’d start with the most annoying, that way when I eventually succumb to their youthful vigor, I at least have the satisfaction of having punched at least a couple of them in their stupid faces.
Maybe if she was blowing Cousins
In a similar vein, when I was 10 or so, I was exceptionally bad at telling open doorways from glass walls. Going to the nice mall was an exercise in hoping nobody noticed the forehead imprint halfway up the wall.