The USGA would be the ‘simple minded fucks’ that I refer to so I think we’re good here.
The USGA would be the ‘simple minded fucks’ that I refer to so I think we’re good here.
Which he would probably love to do but has too much respect for the game to let some simple minded fucks cause him to do that. He won in spite of them, he should come back next year twirling his putter saying, “Bring it assholes!”
If I saw that right, the ball moved toward the club face. Not sure how you do that intentionally or otherwise.
Agreed 100%
Took My F-150 to the ‘dealership’ for it’s 36k check up which was to include a tranny flush. Your transmission has cooling lines that use a portion of the radiator to cool the transmission fluid. They have high pressure crimped fittings that use a special tool to disconnect. The way that would usually work is; The…
awesome, and all the kids around there will learn at a very young age the shit you see on tv isn’t real, unless he really can kick a ball like a rocket, in that case, awesome X 2
Keep in mind these are ‘campaign’ donations which are required by law to be disclosed. They do not include any potential PAC money. PACs are where the real $$$$ are. Also, insider trading being legal for reps and senators (it would be impossible to stop anyway) I expect most direct money in their pocket comes from…
Calling Simmons a badass for getting slapped on the wrist by ESPN is like calling a kid who gets grounded for saying “shit” a revolutionary.
Maybe he should be sent to Rio, I hear the water in the bay is really nice.
Said the guy whose tiny little plums won’t allow him to sit comfortably on a motorcycle seat. Unless the motorcyclist is firing a gun into your car, there is never going to be justification for shit like this.
Greater reliability? What a joke, they cant even keep the marker lights working. Don’t believe me? Start watching late model GM trucks, all flavors. 345,000 on my F-150, still runs like a pickle seeder. Let me know when you catch up.
or he stayed with the craft to make sure it didn’t plunge into a house. Didn’t look like there was much control there, the video was from quite a distance but when a plane drops like that (no glide at all) you think control surfaces or structural failure of some kind.
Death penalty for the athletics program?? How ‘bout some real honest to goodness jail time for Starr and his wrinkled dick cronies? This shit shouldn’t be happening in 2016. Those women should be deciding Baylor’s future, or a jury, those women could be the jury, that’s the ticket!
I got it first time. Once an asshole, always an asshole. Pressure this, offended that, my emotions got involved, I was too young....blah blah blah. Barry Bonds is a gaping asshole.
Even his exes have come forward to defend him so yes, it is totally plausible.
You are making way too many assumptions that, unless you were there are meaningless. Statutory rape implies that someone was over 18. In that case consent matters not. If a 20 year old dude has sex with his girlfriend who loves him dearly but is only 16, that is statutory rape. It does not mean forced sex. Is there…
Bad judgement by the boys and serious lack of self esteem and self preservation based on previous situations for the girl? Yes. Rape? Hardly. Rape implies violent forced sexual acts. That is clearly not what happened here. Hopefully lessons will be learned by the boys and she will find her self worth eventually. She…
I have lived within earshot of Indy my entire life and although this race has sold out completely the writing has been on the wall for many years. I point to the Penske-George dick measuring contest of the 90's as the beginning. It hasn’t been the same around here since. If you don’t believe there is trouble in…
That is a near perfect gif, nice. What’s that? Oh, yeah I give fuck not about basketball, and rapidly getting there with football (real football, not some round ball and giant field shit with endless running and no scoring). Yes, I’m old, I remember when these things were team sports. Now, most every player is their…