Three posts on FA in the last 8 days, not throwin shade at you personally but damn.
Three posts on FA in the last 8 days, not throwin shade at you personally but damn.
No aeronautical engineer here but wouldn’t it be better to take a path that has you headed home when you release the bomb flying flat and level at max thrust?
Thank you....[wipes a tear from his eye]
I do remember that show too, you’re dating yourself. I was just a kid when that show was on (nearly prehistoric here). Maybe the worst thing Nimoy was involved in.
I remember those days. I knew we were pretty much screwed when Honey Boo Boo showed up on ‘The Learning Channel’. That is wrong on every single level imaginable. It’s kinda like a slightly different style of ‘Matrix’, keep them distracted and reasonably well fed and they’ll keep chugging along paying our way by…
That’s what we call a good ole slobber knocker!
No need to re-invent the wheel. That’s what has A-10 supporters up in arms. The current airframe is maximized for it’s mission. Agile, tough as nails, reliable as a hammer and with extremely deadly effect, and probably most damning of all, it’s cheap to operate. I am all for improved and upgraded components but the…
Then give them to the Marines, for fucks sake. Perfect match. The A-10 is like a hammer, reliable and extremely effective in it’s role. Quit trying to replace a hammer with a scalpel.
Spoken like a true defense contractor. Pretty sure they thought of all that. If those planes are in the area, so too would be F-22s and the like. You don’t send a CAS group to fight for air superiority. That fight would be over before the A-10s get there because that fight would be over before the troops get there.…
This is easy, you want a better A-10? Build new ones that can carry 8400 30mm bullets, you do this in the current config by using modern lighter weight armor. This is typical govt wasteful spending. [in your best bureaucratic voice] “Yes, well the A-10 does perform its intended function flawlessly, and is incredibly…
It is not a house of ‘God”. Organized religion is the most vile and hienous instrument wrought by man. It’s sole purpose is the same as any other business venture, power and profit with a heaping helping of control mixed in. The bible was written by men 60 to 70 years after the events written about occurred. Also, who…
I guarantee you there are a bunch of folks still sweating this big time.
1. So you’re OK with the ump making a game changing bad call but not OK with Papi being pissed?
If you paid any attention to the game, Papi didn’t pick up a bat all off season. Spent the entire time working on fitness and he could continue to be a good hitter. Not like he’s fielding anymore, not alot of wear and tear swinging the lumber. Probably a loser Yankee fan.
I wonder what the temps were at night. Not uncommon for someone to use a cooking stove for heat but not have a window open. Asphixiation while passed out. I live close to Indy, weve seen it here in late May.
BTW, I like douchnozzle, learnig all kinds of new words today. Wasn’t sure about spelling, with the ‘e’, without the ‘e’, but it’s your word so no ‘e’ it is.
Dude, every politician that has been in the game more than one term is a two faced hypocritical douchnozzle. Many go with grand ambition but quickly figure out there is a shit ton of money for the taking. The rest knew about the money from the start. Republicans and Democrats are flip side of the same coin, they all…
Mouthshit....I like it. +1
Most Manning haters are hangin off Bradys cock, if that’s not you.....sorry.
How the fuck do you ruin someones career who is still in college? Do all you Brady boys live in glass houses?