Is the “Energy” in the White House increasing or decreasing its entropy?
Is the “Energy” in the White House increasing or decreasing its entropy?
There are a whole lot of people who will argue that this has nothing to do with race. I’d bet Will Cain is one of those people.
If it’s the Chiefs asking, it’s legal! Missouri is really cool.
“Katana” means “Japanese sword.”
Pictured: top secret military-grade breaching technology
Even if it’s not a problem there, what if the gas in the tank lights on fire? I think it will create a supernova. That’s how they work.
Even if somehow, some bacterium was able to survive, it would also need to survive arriving at a new planet that had conditions favorable to it living and reproducing. That’s not going to happen.
Cassini was FAR more likely to come into contact with one of Saturn’s moons than this car is to ever come into contact with anything ever again (unless the universe collapses onto itself and no bacterium or anything else is surviving that). On top of that, it would have to come into contact with a planet that had…
I’ll bet Chad has some really unique takes on baggy pants and rap music.
As a teacher, it’s tough to respond when students ask about walkouts. My official position has to be one of telling the students that they should be in class. I could get fired for telling them otherwise. However, I want my students to speak out and become engaged in their community and country. I love that they’re…
This is a major issue in education. It’s a predominantly white profession.
Since when is Manchin a Democrat?
Yes it is a thing. Dad hip hop is Eric B & Rakim. It is also the best hip hop.
Fucking Slayer! I want to go and pretend that I’m still the badass that I once thought I was.
That is definitely not true. I hated Nickelback then and now. If you want to listen to them, it’s no different to me than if you watch Patch Adams 12 times in a row. Don’t give a shit.
I think a lot of the people were family members but, yeah, even when he’s showing music shit, it’s all white. Does anyone who’s not white listen to Bon Iver (maybe not)?
One guy I know has a cousin who beat up The Rock in high school.
When I went, my options were to either pay a large amount for the insurance or an enormous amount as a deposit. Since one of my hubcaps fell off and my side-view mirror got knocked off while parked on a narrow street, I thought the insurance ended up working okay for me.
That last tweet: