Multi-grain Beard

Yep, and the South fought a huge fucking war to try and keep that going. I think that’s the point here.

Try to think about it before you say it. That $2 is a one-time fee for me if I spent over $100 on a meal, which is negligible in the cost. A server doesn’t just serve your table, though, in case you weren’t aware. Reducing the tips by $2 is an every time fee. That’s a lot of money, just because people are cheapskates.

I like it. I don’t mind if that’s not cool with other people. I’m a little more concerned by those who still like minstrel shows.

Oh my. Thank you.

He could say something positive about Obama. Then he’s done.

Your take here isn’t good. It’s been pointed out to you in a lucid manner. Your defenses are up, which is a bad place to be. You’d gain credibility with me if you didn’t pull the same stunt that so many writers on this site do and consider that you’re wrong here.

I’m getting old. I was thinking, “you’re right but she’s just a kid.” Then I looked it up and saw she’s 28. I hope her followers vote Democrat, but fuck her for waiting until now.

She was dead the whole time.

See, Hawley can support his position. He’s all for taking care of people with pre-existing conditions, as long as you’re wealthy enough to afford doing so.

I wasn’t ready either. Now I have to clean up Dr. Pepper off my keyboard.

Hot : lukewarm :: cold : COOL

Just because you don’t have a taser, though, amirite?

The problem with America is that white nationalism isn’t a very far separation from the average white American’s political ideals. I feel like people who label themselves conservative (and sometimes liberal, too) often have views that are relatively close to those of the most horrific racists. To deal with the

His “undeniable body of work” includes a lot of shitty work.

Reading is hard.

The Chiefs still have about 19 more years until they’re due for another playoff win.

So you have a pet peeve about vague word choice and start with “ugly,” “dumb,” and “thing.” Neat!

Okay, but just don’t take down the Pol Pot and Hitler statues. Because history.

If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!