I’m a milleniumnial myself. I think the Fatalities are particularly gross in this game, and opt to do Brutalities instead (weirdly less gorey despite the name, give you more “points”).
I’m a milleniumnial myself. I think the Fatalities are particularly gross in this game, and opt to do Brutalities instead (weirdly less gorey despite the name, give you more “points”).
Children in public schools are entitled? What planet am I on?
More like accostomers, right?
Well, as percentage of world population: yes, tiny. However, I allowed my US bias to seep through a bit. Being American, right. In the US, nearly 2% of the population is actively practicing Judaism - more than US Muslims and Buddhists combined. So, when discussing religion membership, I sort of unconsciously include…
I assume Wicca is grouped under “Other” to make statistics easier. Most people claim membership in Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism), Buddhism, or Hinduism. The remaining world religions are so numerous that specifically listing each one would get cumbersome. Especially when considering…
Oh god, protesting circumcision. I’ve tried to wrap my mind around why anyone gets so up-in-arms about that. Of all things available to outrage over - on any side of the political spectrum, mind - dwelling over the fate of foreskin is so utterly bizarre, so mystifyingly tangential that I’m convinced it’s some kind of…
Her bacon? Super crispy. Almost burned. Cremated.
-If you're playing as a ranger, you get a severe debuff whenever your pet dies. Normally, this ends after combat. Sometimes, though, it goes on forever, making the character functionally useless.
You know, the anxiety thing is big. Don't smoke myself, but I have a friend who was a very heavy smoker for years. Same reasons, I think. In her case, the anxiety began to creep into the high, eventually becoming panic attacks every time she smoked. Had to stop for the health of it.
It's okay. If arsenic was toxic, somebody would've said something by now.
Ultimatums are a Bad Idea. They don't solve anything and everyone hates them. Honest communication without demand is usually better, because that puts the offending party in a position to reflect and act upon the issue of their own volition. And if they don't, then you know they either don't care about you or are in…
I'm speaking from a really narrow breadth of knowledge on the topic. The intent was supposed to be, like, "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF". But hey, you know. Don't sweat it.
Well, in my personal (albeit limited, college level, and hardly professional) experience tutoring people in mathematics, difficulty in comprehension often occurs because of faulty methods of approaching the material. Sometimes a bit of encouragement is all that's needed. But education isn't my forte, or even a field…
Anyone can be good at math. Just takes practice.