Spoken like somebody who has never sat in the back of a Rolls.
Is it me, or does the Mazana II sort of look like a baby LM002 from the firewall back?
Would it? I mean the field would be much smaller and they’d be outta their comfort zone, but would that mean it’d be bad racing? I doubt it.
I’ve had to copy-paste photos quite often lately, but every now and then I can upload via my photo album and/or URL. Pretty rare, though.
How much better would NASCAR be if there were mixed surface road courses in the lineup? Also, when was the last international NASCAR race? Last I remember was the Thunder Special Suzuka back in’96 and ‘97, but I’d love to see some big unrefined American V8s racing around Monaco, the Nürburgring, and/or Mount Panorama.
Thank you, I fixed it.
I think those two are just a little too serious—like the builder had deluded themselves into thinking they could make a passable replica. Picturing any of those two next to the baby Yamaha would exacerbate the difference in attitude.
Often seen in Japan (and other RHD markets), they’re very useful for parking and/or rock crawling!
I have the graphic novel by Frink Maller on my nightstand!!
Great, you just made me join the Yacht Club...
The only part I would change would be the location of the road ridges that cause the vibration. The road should feel smooth when driving properly in the center of your lane and only get bumpy when you start to veer off, not vice versa like your proposal. Imagine the fatigue that a blind driver’s ass would experience…
I don’t see what you mean...
Since the internet is unable to convey the vocal tones that we often associate with sarcasm, then you should try out the /s tag if it’s just a little too subtle. There are way too many morons out there whose opinions on shitty people are based off of a 30-second encounter with them...
No worries! The only other error I believe I spotted was the rear tire size. On the review posted by Jay Leno’s Garage last week, the Ring Brothers stated that the rear tire is a 345 section tire (and the front tire is a 315!!).
If there’s one thing that Republicans have thought me, it’s this: