What would win in a drag race, this car or god?
What would win in a drag race, this car or god?
Pretty sure that's a lambo, dude.
Write my congressmen and the President and implore them to invade and take over Saudi Arabia and build an underwater trans-Atlantic pipeline.
Agreed. I drive a 4runner. The woman drives a Jetta. And I'm dead sexy.
lol this one actually is pretty awesome.
You know what really grinds my gears? Beautiful women. And beautiful cars. And when you put the two together...and take beautiful pictures of them... Well, that just really grinds my gears. petergriffin.jpg
I blame the recession. And Obama.
Put another pot of coffee on, Patrick. It's going to be a long night.
I could take state.
Well there's your problem.
aww, that totally sucks.
Dammit my video got nibbled. That comment is nothing without the video.
Because 11 is higher than 10. and 4 is more than 2. by 2.
Awww crap I just posted this above. Good work, shame on me for not reading comments first.
I didn't know people who owned Volts also owned guns. In hindsight, I suppose the two are not actually mutually exclusive.