
Jerry, HE's the assman!

Now playing

Sounds like a good time (read: I'm insanely jealous and your life is better than mine, you can stop rubbing it in now).

One of the first posts was a Plymoth Prowler...

Somebody beat me to the Prowler, so 2nd choice is definitely the Lincoln Blackwood. Why, pinstripes, why????

Good one. Beat me to it.


2 wheels hot.

This just in: Toyota announces recall of mobility scooters due to faulty accelerators which could, of course, lead to FIERY DEATH.

The best part about that video was the music. And it was dreadful.

He'll look good in that.

What could go wrong?! Brilliant!

If anyone's looking for any last minute birthday ideas for me (August 25), see above. kthxbye

These gas pedals are still defective!!! I mean, these cans are defective!!!

Weird... Japanese tourists seem to be great photographers.

Shocking...... The 10 most stolen cars in the U.S. are... the 10 most populous cars in the U.S...

Haha same pic and all.

Hence the name...

Why am I suddenly aroused???

Geeze I realized how big those engines were. The entire cab and the fuel trailer could just about fit inside of it.