Poor iPhone users :(
Poor iPhone users :(
DoubleTwist with the AirTwist add on will stream to your AppleTV doesn't do AirPort speakers currently but I'm sure that functionality is coming.
Double Twists Air Sync is my app of choice, works great.
Mother of god...
That combined with Tor, it works great.
I agree man, congratz on the weight loss. I just recently dropped 70lbs it's hard work but very worth it.
I was very familiar with this problem, up until March of last year. I lost 70lbs in 7 months, I got tired of it so I said screw you and got healthier, went from 262 to 192.
So awesome.
I probably will, there are plenty of other gaming sites I can go to if I was banned. No loss here :/
Or because you're greedy from the loss of income in advertising. :(
No, the Rezound has a encrypted bootloader, yay Verizon.
I cannot friggen wait.
Not that bad however the need to hold down and swipe is this at the same time? If so the need to use two hands is quite silly.
Incorrect the OS is spit and polish, the apps are the problem. However my phone looks quite nice.Example:
Release the app for Android, then I'll be impressed =p
OH look the Doctor dies again....
This is the carriers fault not the manufacturers, this will get dismissed.