
They should just tie it into Facebook as they're introducing that tie into the OS anyway.

I have it, but that still doesn't make up for the crap specs for the price.

The Portal 2 engine is 10 years old and Diablo 3 isn't a graphics intense game. I'm not trolling I have a 1yr old Macbook pro.

True, this is why I root/ROM. Verizon sucks.

Rofl they're doing all the cartography themselves? This is going to work like crap and likely never updated.

I have a Macbook Pro, my laptop can handle the Steam games and D3 with reduced graphics. However my windows machine always ran them better.

I have a Macbook Pro for that reason, but my gaming is done on my self built desktop.

Am I the only one that sees that fragmentation graph as not bad? haha And the failure to update is the carriers fault for taking to long to update their phones.

Thats funny, because no one plays games on macs.

Odd, my Verizon coverage works perfectly even in the boondocks :/


No joke, there's a difference between spanking and beating. If/when I have kids they'll get spanked like I did. The 'go to your room' approach doesn't work which can be seen in these brats that run around nowadays.

1 issue with this, Orcs in Tolkien lore were mutated elves.

100% agree. I got spanked as a kid not brutally by any means but I knew what I was suppose to do and what not to do.


Sonic Screwdriver most definitely.

I use both AIM(mostly at work) and Gchat almost constantly. It's free and works cross platform so I use it probably more than texting.

Mary Poppins is 'The Doctor' not 'Doctor Who', fixed that for you.

Wow direct article copy yay fan boys.

Technically isn't this Assassins Creed 4?