
That's it I've decided that despite my love for Android, I'm buying an iPad2 for these games.

@ArcaneDigital: Verizon has already revamped their data plans, they're keeping it and theres no forseeable change as of right now. I was tracking my usage, I was using 700-800mb just viewing webpages, facebook, and a few app downloads. I didn't even attempt to stream music. My drives to and from work I also use

I had a feeling that was the problem... Got the email on my phone deleted it and changed my password for good measure on my computer anyway.

@justinpe: Meh Android is a better OS anyway.

@ArcaneDigital: I don't have wifi at work, too much private data for the risk. I had it for 3 months, couldn't use the phone so I switched back. I stream Pandora for 40hrs a week, I would have obliterated my bill.

It's stuff like this that makes me hate my Android phone. I had the iPhone 4 too....Couldn't cut not having unlimited data :(

@Monoxide1: I'm in the same baot, so disgusting.

I love Google lol

@telepheedian: I was thinking the same thing, HTC has already been doing this. I feel a lawsuit incoming against Apple...

@MossyPosse: Your moronic thinking aggravates me. Carrying around dongles != useful. Apples products evolve over time, their possible addition of 2 USEFUL ports would be a step in the right direction in bridging the gap between netbook and tablet.

I'm withholding judgement, hopefully I got into their beta testing...

@MossyPosse: Dongles are a hassle and a waste of money, buy a can of compressed air if you're worried about dust. As for the battery, did you see how much wasted space was inside the iPad 1? Seriously man?

My guess, SD card slot and USB slot.

That's incredible. I love hearing stories like this.

@elvenangel: 1. It's a church group hence the Jesus comment and 2. It's a joke and 3. I don't doubt Jesus existed. Moron. Learn2Joke.

It's a shame its all for nothing, Jesus isn't real. =p

CGI you can tell when they slow it down.

@trois: Same, good luck.