
@ian.g.case: You bring up a very valid point, but going straight from their own website or something similar doesn't cost that much either I'd reckon. Wow did I just say I'd reckon? Shoot me haha

@Helvetica: I agree it's a major step in bringing awareness to some applications. However there is no reason for Apple to be taking what is it 20-30% of the sale. They've had a similar format on their webpage for applications without taking money from developers. As long as it's not the ONLY way to get applications it

Am I the only one that thinks this is 'meh'? Apple robbing developers of more money by allowing them placement in the store I'm so confused....

Definitely needs to be R

This looks entertaining, port to android someone.

@anitesh.jaswal: I think RIM is too late at this point. Android will take over, followed by Apple at a close second.

Problem is RIM refuses to put good hardware in their phones so they wouldn't be able to run this software. Really wish Google snagged them :(

I just got excited beyond words.

@ctyotyler: Netflix is serious business! You get what I'm saying lol

@xhedgehogx: I'm so glad that once Netflix gets it, I'll only have to pay my 10$ a million times more things than your 1$ per episode.

Call the Doctor....

Well if thats the plot, they lost my 20$.

I love Chrome.

Does not look comfortable to ride.

My computers rarely brake, however if/when they do I can repair them. I have enough spare parts to allow my computer to continue running. If my desktop is down and something is important, I'll use the laptop. If theres a display issue I hook it up to the TV until I can buy a new monitor. In an absolute worse case

@lightninglouie: Mythbusters was a different myth, which given the time period Archemedis(spelling?), wouldn't be able to do this.