
I want to live there, I love cold and snow!

@HalLumos: I'm in the same boat my friend, huge pet peeves of mine lol

@HalLumos: Ya that was my bad, I'm anal about my file organization so it will bug me, even though I never see the file names, just bugs me haha

Laptop + hdmi cable = win. Or Xbox, either or

@HalLumos: Really now? Even with the tags being updated iTunes will change the file name if the tags are changed, no other player does.

Best solution available in my opinion. My only problem with other players versus iTunes which I've become invested in. Is when a change is made in iTunes to a track, ie artist name or song name, the change is carried over to the file itself so I won't have to do it again should I reformat or something. No other player

@jedifarfy: At this point I'm leaning towards the Nook color, but for the price I'm almost better off buying a full fledged tablet, iPad or Galaxy.

@jedifarfy: I was under the impression you could easily convert the ePub format to a Kindle friendly formate?

@charlesfro: Thats what it seems like, Kindle, wish there was a tablet as thin/light as the Kindle, I'd be golden!

@bg-dez: Got the Droid Incredible for the apps, I'm just concerned about overall functionality.

Perfect timing, I'm looking to read more and seriously torn between the Nook and Kindle. I'm leaning towards the Kindle. Any thoughts?

Google needs to release their internet state wide, I'll drop Comcast in a heartbeat.

WTB more Angel!!!

I want.

@Swifter: You're missing out.

For the love of god and all that is holy YES!

@RuckingFetard: No, that's not me. It's a lack luster computer, if it was 500$ I'd say sure fine, but not for that price. not at all.

@dyowell: No need for a wireless keyboard/mouse when you have an Android phone for Gmote, or iPhone and use the Logitech TouchSmart app.

@Norbs: I just use my Xbox to use Windows Media Center.