
@Alchemistmerlin: I'm not saying not to question the government, nothing wrong with doing that. This is a matter of personal safety vs privacy. I'd rather sacrifice 10 minutes of my time, get groped than stand the risk of my plane blowing up.

@kalleboo: Because they're still trying. They're going to eventually find a way to get the bombs and people on the planes, we need to be proactive in stopping them, and these are the steps that are needed to do that.

@Celtic1888: If you don't want to get on a airplane and have the NECESSARY security steps taken, then don't fly. X-rays have been damaging to our bodies since they were first conceived, this isn't new. I fail to see how getting a pat down makes anyone miserable, I get a more invasive pat down at my doctors office,

You're all morons, I'd would much rather get x-rayed and gropped than stand the risk of someone smuggling dangerous stuff on the airplane with the intent to do something horrible. Unfortunately these are the times we live in and we have to deal with it.

Zombie sharks? Sold.

Best app to use for android?

Disney does this all the time, they have the "Vault". They take DVDs off the market for a few years then rerelease it with some "never seen before" footage.



@Limeade: As do, Angel to this day is still my favorite show.

Oh bias, it's hilarious.

HOLY CRAP another useless IM app, does anyone know that texting is multi platform?!

This looks awful.

CARD THE DAMN KIDS BEFORE THEY BUY IT!!!! Stop blaming gaming for parenting fails, so annoying!


I agree, much of my childhood was spent playing the Ultima series, and a large amount of my teens was spent on Ultima Online. If you were to ask me 23 years ago what I was playing it was either UO or The Legend of Kryandia(loved that game so much). I wish they could find a way to bring these series back, but alas :(

@nuclearbalm: Because it comes free with their computers, so the update should be free just like it is with every other piece of software that comes loaded on the computer.

Utterly amazing.