
@Cheddar-Bob: Not yet, but it will be. So nice try.

Price? or Free upgrade to previous versions?


My brain seriously just melted, to much awesome. The Doctors in the Hobbit, Ghostbusters 3 script good to go. I cannot wait for these movies to hit, I think I may need to freeze myself for 1 year.

Tonight on the Worlds Biggest Loser....

@s.smedja: First thing that came to my mind haha, also my favorite villain in the series.

@sudo rm -rf /: Yes, however if their applications are going to now follow the UI format of iOS the application developers will have to restructure their UI's plus add all the additional multi touch gestures which I'm sure they don't currently support. I think OSX is currently setup perfectly, other than simple

@medopal: Its not the touchscreen that I'm hating on, though pointless IMO, its the possibility of a UI change to iOS(ie iPhone).

@sudo rm -rf /: I'm not arguing the touchscreen, I'm arguing a iOS UI style.

If they put multitouch on their laptops/"desktops" I'm never buying a Mac again. Completely pointless. The PC is suppose to be for power and IMO forcing the iOS UI onto the device would kill it. Never mind the problems that would arrise for software developers having to redesign their ENTIRE application structure for

For the love of god YES!

@nolanjurgens: I like how you're a lifer, you call the CUSTOMERS clients. lawl So glad I quit that hell hole.

@Joel Forsyth: Thank you, that's the answer I was looking for. Even though I have a GPS built into my cars dash, it's sometimes not what I'm looking for. So I've been looking for a good replacement on my iPhone

@boom1shot: Well I assumed Google's map updates were free, but my concern was the other applications. I got an iPhone 4 and while I miss the Google Navigation from my Droid I need a good replacement that doesn't have a yearly subscription. However I don't wanna have to pay for map updates.

How do map updates work on these apps? If I was to buy a stand alone unit i'd have to buy yearly map updates. Are these free with these applications?

@tazm0n: I went to check to see if that would work, and I had an application update for it haha

I don't have the camera button, WHY?!