
Personally I love the Highlander picture. Nice touch Kotaku.

@Foxhack: I disagree, regardless of their last few albums they are still relevant, other groups still model themselves off their original sound. However Death Magnetic was a good album, minus the label doing the whole volume over audio quality thing.

@XtaLarge: My argument is that you will remember them of coarse, I don't feel the following generations will. And I can say I dislike the whole genera not based of their true meaning behind their rap and I agree there are rap "artists" out there that sure as hell rap about meaningful topics Atmosphere being one of

FF13, Call of Duty:MW2(pc)

@Gh0stKiller: *sigh* Go listen to your "music", and I'll listen to my music. In 40years that generation won't know Jay-Z or Kanye West no. Because they will be easily forgotten. Our generation will still know them obviously we will still be alive, but new generations no.

@Foxhack: Don't regret, I just prefer listening to music that requires actual skill to make that's all. And shoot me the 5 was suppose to be a 4. I just don't care for rap, its annoying to listen to and again requires no talent. Unless of coarse they are "free styling" that requires some level of skill to spit off

@Gh0stKiller: The entire rap genre is garbage, talentless garbage. Anyone can talk to a beat that someone made on a computer. Putting MEANINGFUL words together while blending in 5+ instruments is music.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: There's 1 thing wrong with this. Hip Hop artists is an oxymoron. Rap and hip hop people do not = artists. They talk to a beat they someone made on a computer real talent. Oh plus the ever popular steal rhythms from something else, case and point this.

Rap ruins another perfect thing. *sigh* I fear for the future.

I'll feel bad for Bungie when Activision screws them like they did Infinity Ward.

Doom. Enough said.

Oh the "friend zone" I know it all too well.....*sigh*.... Now I gotta go find my copy of GTA.

@thesircuddles: Unless your a druid, then you'll just pop swift flight form :)

Cannot wait.

I beleive its going to webOS and blackberry later this year, never to the iPhone.

@Gemini-Phoenix: Gotta think thou, the PS2 had no real competition when it was in its prime for "next gen" graphics/gameplay

@piehguy22: I said the same thing! haha

Anyone else think the toy on the right reminds them of Marvin from Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy? Cuz I totally do lol