
If any Star Citizen weirdos come in here saying iT Is OuT, and you’re talking about the empty/broken modules that are currently playable, I will turn to dust. 

Don't worry, folks. There's a good chance Barsanti's take on this is just as wrong as his take on, well, everything.

No, not in Utica, it’s an Albany form of harassment. 

I’m from Utica and we never steam our pants.

And you call them steamed pants, despite the fact that they are obviously grilled...

“...his name is Jeffrey and he has his own private jet and his own island! Take his number! I met him when I was about your age and I can tell you: he’s a cool hang.”

“I remember last time Emmy was having a bad day. She gave me her extra backstage pass for Marilyn Manson and said he’s a real hoot.”

I also started college at the same time she started kindergarten which seemed weird. 

He’s spinning the ball on his finger! Just take it!

Put it all on the Washington Generals. They’re due!

I think it was because Felicity Huffman didn’t get her in the right college.

You seem to have taken on the air of the embattled voice of reason before anyone has even challenged anything in your post, which gives me the sense that you’ve come to this discussion with a bigger chip on your shoulder than any of your hypothetical assailants. You immediately poisoned the well by questioning the

Extreme blandness can be it’s own kind of offensive.

There, fixed it.

Did she finally fire her creepy, horrible father/manager who tanked her promising career???

the future of the site will belong to a capital organization that will find a way to monetize its decline.

“Hello. Nakia. You are. Quite Good. At. Turning me. On.”

Thanks, Dad.