
He doesn’t understand our ‘ways’ in this dimension.

You can’t take the honey, but you can get your head stuck in a jar.

Don’t know what Tigger flags represent, but Pooh flags let travelers know that your house is a safe space they can come and walk around with no pants on.

“’Cause I know how forgetful y’all Tiggers are!”

Tigger, please.

I’m pretty sure she chose to complain about “Tigger” so she could say 83.3% of the n-word to a black person and get away with it.


“Billy Eichner as Matt Drudge”

You are correct that “schism” implies conflict for which the article supplies evidence to the contrary. That said, this is the AV Club, copy editors don’t work here anymore.

And I’d say that Les Wynan should do more thinkin’ and less whinin’.

It’s to early on a Monday so I read that as Naomie Harris plays Shrek in this.  

Yeah but that movie was almost all Ecks, barely any Sever.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “I’ve got this movie with Antonio Banderas coming out! That’ll show you!”

This weirdly reads like a mini-obituary and I don't like it. 

That’s what gets me about the take-iness of the articles here. There’s plenty of space to inject personality, politics and tangents; but it’s so goddamn perfunctory that either it’ll lean on a reaching take that adds nothing to the article, or a rich and meaningful take will be left on the table. It’s just so soulless.

Interesting that this is the one time Barsanti doesn’t go off on an off-topic tangent on the past sins of the subject of one of these articles. Must be a Penn fanboy.

If Legion proved anything to me, it’s that the studio that made Watch Dogs 2 needs to be the only studio that makes Watch Dogs.

Is there no gay man at the AV Club who could write an article about queer casting in the only movie my gay ass has been excited about since 1997? I feel like I just ran into Lena Dunham in the bathroom at a gay bar. Artie could be the love child of Blaine Edwards and Antoine Merriweather and he still wouldn’t be as

Seriously though, while the Canon-7 RF f0.95 50mm lens ain’t all that common, I’d hesitate to call it “rare”. Hell, I’ve seen more of them in Austrlaia than Nikon F-mount f1.2 50mm - or even Pentax f1.2 50mm...both of which were made for decades after Canon stopped making rangefinders, and for lens mounts that are

It’s true what they say, men are from Omicron Persei VII, women are from Omicron Persei IX.