

We all know that Planet Nine isn’t made of green cheese, but what if it were made of barbeque spare ribs, would ya eat it then?

If you’re a dude that can’t get a date/get laid, do yourself a favour and work to improve yourself. Hit the gym, work on your grooming, fix up your style. Turn on an episode of Queer Eye and fucking figure it out. I’m not the best looking guy but keep myself in shape and don’t dress like a slob and it goes a long way.

...there are now over 150 restaurants and bars in the Galápagos, according to Observatorio de Turismo de Galápagos, and over 300 hotels—an increase of 235 hotels in just 10 years.

As someone who stands 6'2, I gotta say being any taller would be bad unless I was some sort of professional athlete. Sometimes a 32" inseam will fit, but usually I need the 34" and SO many stores seem to only stock pants in the 30-32 except for in the ugliest fucking jeans/chinos/dress pants. On top of that, my

That thing looks with it would have cut down on so much Nintendo thumb.

I just wanted to say that I though Ready Player One was an entertaining enough movie and Spielberg certainly has worse movies to his name. War of the Worlds was pretty bad. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull sucked. Bridge of Spies bored me out of my fucking mind.

This list has really made me wonder why Dragan Bender isn’t getting Name of the Year consideration.

Obviously historical humans boned denisovans and neanderthals and I think homo erectus? That one I would have to check. But I want to know what the modern human thinks. That’s the hard hitting reporting I come to these blogs for!

I look forward to the day a reconstruction of an older Denisovan is done so you can use a headline that will be more easily cross-posted on Jezebel and Deadspin, such as “Would You Bone a Denisovan?”

We’ll save the planet by providing a beef alternative! And ruin it by using grotesque amounts of packaging!

The human body is ill-equipped to process meat. That’s just basic science.

You laugh, but it’s more necessary than you think:

People are going to go ahead and make their jokes, but 3 has stumped even kings for thousands of years.

I had an overnight flight taking a northern route and had a window seat on the north side of the plane for the flight. Someone asked me if I could switch and I told them no. They complained that I was being unreasonable as they were offering an at least equal, if not objectively better seat (apparently it had a a bit

That number of pills can do down if you’re a smaller player, like a kicker.

Disappointed they couldn’t add in Sonic 3/Sonic and Knuckles


Well, someone had to fill the void now that Burfict is out of the conference.