Well now I just need to start watching Bojack season 5.
Mark Davis gave him his stylist as part of the benefits package.
So blackface is wrong, but THIS is ok? SMDH
Yeah, he would have gone up to 5,000 a day to probably get his weight up from high school. Like, he was probably 140 or something so put on the weight but worked out like a mad man so it was converted to muscle and not fat. Now that’s all maintenance. This is why so many pros get fat after sports. They don’t exercise…
Man this post made me hungry.
One of our developers uses “This moment of brevity brought to you by my iPhone” which I don’t suggest using.
We’ve clearly found a McPoyle brother.
Falcons are also birds.
Never trust a sentient robot. Otherwise you get terminators.
Meh. But then again, I routinely scramble the Canadian rockies WHERE WE DON’T NEED TO PUSSY LADDERS.
What about Coca-Cola?
Chipot-away must work for those too.
Black coffee has nothing in it, period. So ordering “black coffee with two sugar” is wrong. Just say “coffee with two sugar.” Or “coffee with sugar on the side” if you want to add the sugar yourself.
Ostrich is amazing.
As a fan of country music (but not so much most of their politics), I find it offensive to call John Rich a country musician.
They also managed to go from up 5-0 against the Bluejays to losing 8-6, so there’s that too.
You say this in the same funbag where a person claimed a clothespin can save electricity?
Well, electricity converts to heat so energy is lost that way... but over massively long transmission lines. Not a 3 foot cord from outlet to appliance. And a clothespin sure as fuck isn’t going to prevent whatever line losses are occuring in your home from occurring.
I always think I can eat like 8 different rolls (6-8 pieces) but then tap out at 5 and still feel like shit.