
I’m so happy I turned this game on. Not only was the pitching from Scherzer and Hamels unreal, that finish was something else.

Dropping the weight on a deadlift like he is doing is poor form. The controlled decline of the weight is part of the exercise. However, he could be going more for improvements in power in other activities such as skating, running, jumping. This type of training focuses more on a quicker lift of the weight and less on

Myself, using a full frame DSLR, I have shot the perseids with the following settings:

I have a few more details for someone who may be new to astrophotography:

Wow, almost makes me want to cheer for McGregor.

He’s not a monster. Like Marchman.

I have cooked scrambled eggs the Gordon Ramsay method, and let me tell you, it fucking works. They are delicious in ways I never dreamed scrambled eggs could be. Do I do it every time? Fuck no. Not if I’m starving. I’m frying them in bacon grease and cramming them in my mouth. But some days, the slow on/off

This is really bad satire.

I think the point was a little self depreciating humour. Take the stick out of your ass.

It’s been a hundred some odd years, it’s due!

I’ve been to Seattle several times and never attended a Mariners game. Next argument, Mariners.

So what? I’m a die hard Flames fan with a share of season tickets and if they go through with their threat to leave, I say fuck em. It would actually save me money to not shell out for 12 games every year and buy a $10 beer or 6 at every game. Now I realize going to the games is my own choice, but I would be just as

The trajectory before the fan touched it was straight into his glove. Good call. As a Jays fan that has to watch Teoscar Hernandez in left field though, had it been him, it wouldn’t have been over turned because he can’t catch anyways.

The ball? Getting deflected suddenly downward contacting the douchebag’s glove? I’d say that’s probably where you should start looking.

Well, if they catch the Mariners, you can look forward to them losing to the Yankees. Playoff A’s baseball!

“Oh, we’re calling sidescraping skiing now?”

Can we blame the British or Canadians for this? They love to “attend university” or “go to hospital,” after all. Somehow they’re in on this. This needs to stop.

Unpopular opinion: Being fat (or more accurately, obese) is not healthy and people should be encouraged to live healthy, active lifestyles and eat healthy foods. Now obviously the jaw wired shut is a terrible message to send. But obesity is a problem and carries significant detrimental health issues. From a public

Knock on wood, I have yet to go down with any sort of speed on my road bike (mountain is a different story) but there’s one route I do at least once per year up a massive mountain pass before it’s open for cars. The route back is basically all downhill and even on my non-top-of-the-line bike, I’ve had it approaching

Man, this will sure piss off the horse nerds.