Where are the “good” parts? Letterkenny?
The reason, I’m sure, was Le Club Super Sex on Rue St. Catherine’s.
A buddy of mine is a big Ravens fan, but like many sane Ravens fans, hates Flacco. We were both fans of the MMBM’s Flacco-meter and I had continued reading it when PFTCommenter had moved over to barstool. I noticed in their store they hat a Flacco t-shirt that said “Elite” on it and thought it would be a good birthday…
Amazing. And Timothy Burke writes so many articles! Like what, MAYBE one every two days?
I’m fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking bloggers fucking filling the fucking internet with their fucking filthy fucking words. If I fucking have to fucking see the fucking word “fuck” or “fucking” or “fucks” or “fuckery” or any other fucking variation, I will fucking have no fucking choice but to fucking…
There appears to be a significant correlation between idiots and those that use the standard email signature from their mobile carrier.
They overpaid by maybe $1.5 to $2 million, which for any of us (I assume) would be a great deal! But that $2 million ends up being a pretty small fraction of the cap and yeah, it gives fans certainty going in to the next few seasons. Season ticket holders will be more likely to renew knowing that Fleury will be there…
And Spruce Grove is basically Edmonton’s ghetto so this makes a lot of sense. That entire town is pretty much a smoldering trash fire, just like the Oilers.
You’ll make sergeant for this.
This is my only fucking outlet from the day. I’m still stuck in the greys, but it’s better than my job that I’m somewhat an expert in now!
But in the fear he engenders in opponents, who will pitch to him only when they absolutely must.
This. Red card the shit out of flagrant diving.
Yeah, but he missed robbing that one homer by an inch that gave the D-backs their 7th run.
I think winning by an own-goal makes the winning team a fraud.
He’s no where near close to Ovi level though.
It’s like he thinks he’s better than us.
One day I hope to know this feeling. Sadly the Flames have only won when I was 1 and broke my heart when I was 16.
We’re apparently a threat to burn down the White House too! Even though that happened 53 years before Canada was even a country. But those are facts and facts aren’t important. People forget that.
Or a pinch runner from the plate, old-man slow pitch style.