

This has definitely not been an implosion. Virtually every goal allowed this series has been on him sliding from post to post because a wide open passing land has allowed the Caps to get a shot at a wide open net. Others have been pefectly placed shots where goalies generally aren’t going to make the save. I’m rooting

So are the Russian players just not good enough to play in a different national league like the Premiership, La Liga, Ligue 1, Bundesliga, whatever Italy’s league is called/any other good soccer league I missed? Or is it just that whole nationalism thing where they want to play in Mother Russia?

NHL playoffs are now, the winter olympics just happened...

I don’t even know if the Jays count as an MLB team after what they managed in May.

I wish you hadn’t explained it. Though they probably still won’t get it.

For me (the slightly less than average man) based on sun burnt back incidents I probably cover about 52% of my own back.

I guess it’s not quite 12 hours... football starts at 11:00 am and is wrapped up by 9:30 pm. So we’re pretty close!

Fuck that guy and fuck the trucker. Zipper merge is the most efficient way to merge. Why the fuck would you not use the roadway that exists? Merging stupid early creates an even longer delay.

Bob McKenzie was complaining the other night that the playoffs have not been particularly compelling on the basis that teams that score first have generally won (Vegas was something like 10-1 going into the game, Washington like 12-3 - I don’t feel like looking up the exact numbers). While this did remain true in Game

Snow leopards because they are badass. After leaving their mother, they will often never see another snow leopard except for mating season.

And the damn cover player on NHL 96 forcing me to look at him every time I want to play.

So you called a hockey player a racial slur the other daaaayyyy.

While I still enjoy and watch football, I rarely plan a day around it. For the early season games, it’s still hiking/camping/biking season and if I’m going to be out doing that, no problem. Then come mid-November (hell, even late October some years), ski season hits and I’m off in the backcountry most Sundays leaving

If anyone thinks jumping on the sand would make this feat easier, they need to go try to do ANYTHING on the sand that they would normally do on hard ground. Running is awful. Jumping is awful. So, holy shit.

Mountain is better. Those scrub eastern games start at 5 (I’m probably done work!) and then the glorious teams that call the best time zone home start at 7 followed by the slighlty lesser teams of the pacific at 8.

Even though Jacksonville made the playoffs last year and has a good defense, I still tend to forget about them.

Unless that butter has been melted, it’s not good.

I much prefer homemade pasta sauce and it’s super easy. Base of a can of tomato paste and tomato sauce, and add whatever the hell you want. I’m pretty much always stocked up with at least two cans of each.

After now reading Lauren’s article, they are two completely different pieces. Not sure how you’re missing that. Same topic, yes. Different points of view and styles of articles. Recap vs. analysis.