7-11's Hostage

I think people are more invested in the fantasy of accidentally being in the same place at the same time as your soul mate, than the down and dirty reality that sometimes meeting the right person takes work, and sometimes involve particularly un-romantic things like scrolling through online profiles. I can understand

My first real conversation with my wife was about Star Wars.

At this point, it seems, all relationships involve a sizable portion of time mutually cyberstalking in the beginning or beforehand, my marriage included. I bet you anything the letter-writer, if he does reveal his “secret,” will get a similar revelation from his spouse in kind.

I mean. That’s pretty adorable.

Actually there is no line between romantic and creepy behavior.

Right? I met my boyfriend in a bar, we got drunk and talked about Lord of the Rings. Then we made out.

I don’t even remember first meeting my husband. We worked at a large office together, and as the new girl, I met dozens of people at the same time and he made no impression on me whatsoever. He has an androgynous name; when I heard people talking about him or if we were on the same mass email, I thought he was a

That’s what Tom Cruise and Michael Douglas and plenty of creepy actor guys do. I don’t see that working very well for “regular” guys. It’s too creepy.

he says no thanks!

10/10 would watch.

I’m really hoping the site is nothing but videos of Snoop and Martha Stewart getting high and crafting together. I would reload 100x a day for content updates.

Within the religious right, it’s a pretty strongly held view that when a man cheats or is a pervert, it’s his wife’s fault for not being wifely enough.

A Muslim president would no more turn government control to sharia law than Catholic JFK turned it over to the pope—as many feared. Grow up, people. Besides, with the lack of autonomy to women, the Rs are the ones pushing for sharia-style.

That’s the thing with white collar crime. People don’t usually die. People make excuses, and then look the other way and protect the millionaires and billionaires running these companies who are getting rich off this shit because “nobody was hurt.”

UW system employee AND student. The budget cut managed to damage the education I receive and the way I pay for it too

Ditto. You’d think working for the School of Medicine would get you some pretty sweet health insurance. You’d think that, if you didn’t know that the School of Medicine was at the University of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin resident who supports public sector workers in Wisconsin. I wish he had stayed in the race longer, wasted more of his donors’ money, and then never come back. Hopefully the Koch Brothers will get off this dropout’s jock and let him fade into a Mike Tyson-fueled “Bolivian”. Anybody Else For Wisconsin Governor

You should issue an apology for that shit comment.

Public sector Ohio worker here. I’m sorry. Because of Walker, we were able to ram John Kasich’s SB5 right back up his ass.

Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.