7-11's Hostage

The Reublicn Party likes to refer to themselves as the party of smalle government but they actually grew government under Nixon, Reagan, and Bush 2. If I remember correctly, they also grew spending and debt despite being the “fiscally responsible” party. As for their hatred of China: It was Saint Ronnie who first

Abusive partners also think they care. They are also wrong.

I’m pretty sure that their whole “we need children” thing is subconscious racism. If they bothered to pay attention they would see that the population of the country is growing. But here’s the hitch that bothers them, even though they would never admit it: It’s minorities that are having the most children. For the

THIS right there. They have majorities in both houses of Congress because only 30% of the electorate bothered to vote in the midterms. When 50% show up (as in presidential years), they lose. Can you imagine what would happen if 70% showed up?

See, rape to them is when a pretty, able-bodied, white, modestly-dresses, sober, christian virgin is attacked by an armed stranger (probably not white) who leaps out of the bushes in the middle of the day in the “good” part of town while she’s on her way to teach Sunday school, she physically fights the whole time and

Slightly related bit of trivia (because learning is fun): that whole “uterus shuts down in legit rape” thing was bastardised from a study of women waiting to be executed during the holocaust. The gist of the original study was how women stop menstruating during times of extreme stress (I believe the Dr would pick

“Going to survive”? The GOP is hardly on life support. It controls both houses of Congress, a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, and the majority of state government.

Their voters are better at showing up.

I think the line between the Freedom Freaks and the Christian Crazies is pretty thin though. Most of the “freedom” people are still fairly in favor of government overreach, as long as it’s for “morality” reasons.

The republican party is government so small that it fits into your bedroom, and indeed, a woman’s uterus. The problem is that it insists on being in both places without being invited.

Few sentences I have read telegraph the soon to be coming “but” more than conservatives talking about women and rape.

Yes, she does deserve all the wines! My god, it sounds a lot like the week I spent with my parents this summer. **shudders** My therapist says I don’t have to go back. **takes a gulp of wine** But I know I will.

Cognitive dissonance. They literally do not see the connection between “smaller government” and “government intrusion in private lives.”

There’s no such thing as rape babies anyway - the uterus just shuts that whole thing down.

Ladies, rape is awful and we feel really bad for you but also you need to give birth and preferably parent the kid if you get pregnant.

They only want smaller government when it pertains to issues like the Second Amendment, environmental issues, education and denying public assistance to the women they want to have all those babies. Everything else? Let’s ramp up the government overreach so much that we’ll all soon be forced to carry papers.

A: Rape is a horrific crime that is never the fault of the victim, who deserves prompt and compassionate care.

“The sustainability of the regime.”

You’re welcome. As to the content of your post, these are really a separate breed of GOP compared to their small government cousins. Notice the name of the session

I’d like to know how these freaks would defend their intrusive views when trying to argue that the Republican Party is really the party of smaller government. It seems to me that their positions on the social issues is the epitome of government overreach. I suppose they could argue that they want it to be up to the