7-11's Hostage

It’s why I groaned so hard at that stupid anti-catcalling video where they had like... peoples’ mothers disguise themselves and then surprise! Turns out you were catcalling your mom, bro, guess you realize what it’s like now and maybe you’ll stop doing it!

God I fucking hate when men say this. It seems to be a trope of sorts. The reformed man about town has a daughter and suddenly realizes GASP women are human beings.

You know the worst bit, I honestly think a lot of women believe they’re obligated to fuck guys like that. Guys are encouraged to be superficial assholes but if a woman chooses a guy based on physical attraction she’s a superficial bitch. It’s our responsibility to give’nice’ guys a chance!

Hah, I knew this guy who refused to work out and maintain a good physique, dressed like a slob, and couldn’t even bother to be an interesting conversationalist. He then told me that a (I think violinist) I saw an ad for once was “kinda fat” after I commented that her musical ability (well, and looks...) were

That was the exact thought I had. “Wow, I should be horrified by their behavior and yet it’s strangely too common. “

And hark at him referring to a sexual partner as ‘damaged goods’ whereas he is nobly struggling with insecurities.

Yeah the apology was fucking lame and pathetic. We were making fun of it at the protest this morning. Idiots

Things our mothers and sisters had to hear.

Yeah, the whole “wife is a shrew” trope is sooooo damaging to both girls and boys. Like, boys who grow up thinking that women are terrible will do terrible things to women.

No shit. I had a guy tell me I had “found the fountain of youth” when I told him I was 30, I guess he thought I looked ‘young’.

Yeah, the “I really should be pitied rather than scorned” vibe. No thanks.

So he never had sex with a woman “that old”. A woman in her late 30s. That’s considered “really old”. WHO THE FUCK DO THESE GUYS THINK THEY ARE? LOOK IN THE GOD DAMN MIRROR YOU LOSERS! I’m 42 and I wouldn’t let your average looks anywhere near my pussy! I fucking hate deluded men who think they are god’s fucking gift

You know what? Just ONCE I would like to be surprised by something like this. I would like to live in a world where horrible misogynist behavoir would be actually shocking instead of grimly expected and depressing. Fuck all of this.

We didn’t always say nice things, and sometimes we were downright mean. Sometimes I just vented about frustrating experiences in an am immature, hateful, and foolish way.

You may have had to prove it when you originally applied for your license when you were 16 (or however old you were when you first got your license). If you had to show a birth certificate then, they probably understand that your place of birth hasn’t changed in the mean time.

It’s pretty sick that there are so many out there who think nothing of turning a profit off of the misery of the poorest, most vulnerable, and most disadvantaged people in our country.

same thing as a for profit jail; something that should not be a thing.

legal slums.

I used to work at a shelter in rural NJ, and we would occasionally get calls from shelters in NYC, because they had no space for some women who needed shelter and wanted to see if we did. Unfortunately, due to transportation issues (it’s very difficult for women to get to the shelter I worked at without a car,

The city hasn’t created any new emergency beds or transitional housing units for domestic violence victims for six years. Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration relied on creating more and more for profit shelters while cutting subsidies to help homeless families get into permanent housing.