7-11's Hostage

Screw all that noise, the real issue here is, how are we gonna prevent these abused women from getting abortions, birth control, and cancer screenings? I know! lets defund planned parenthood, that’ll help them, and their situations even further, right? RIGHT!?

It’s so infuriating. Like, the only way to eliminate these practices quickly is brutal oppression; it’s the same with the Thugee cult’s extermination under British colonial rule. But that’s an awful way to gain allies, as the Americans want the brutes in charge to owe us and not hate us, so we can’t impose basic human

But since we were essentially occupying Afghanistan, it is incumbent on us to institute some governance. We regularly enforced laws that we thought were in our favor, while pressuring Kabul to change those that affected us negatively. It appears that protecting children did not measure high enough in our interests.

I apologize if I sounded a bit too passionate. And it wasn't a small acknowledgment: it was a FULL one. Thank YOU.

Yeah, I do not get the attraction of the whole full of life thing. It’s nice if you feel that, go run through a meadow or whatever. I’m over here watching TV.

I doubt ‘god’ has anything to do with it.

Or they actually did seek help, and - guess what? They were FURTHER abused by the system.

these guys “love” their women and children like farmers “love” their stock. it’s actually proprietary obligation that they feel, but they don’t understand the difference because in their minds the women and children in their lives aren’t actually people, not like they themselves are—and you can’t love things you don’t

It is very sad that my first response to this was, “Oh, good. Only wounded; not dead.” rather than just horror at the incident happening.

I sometimes take pro bono cases for abuse victims. Most will not recount any specifics unless very pointed questions are asked. If I see a black dot, now I’d know why a client might be vague. I would hope that a physician who sees the dot would take that information into account when diagnosing, treating or reporting.

They don’t always ask the right questions. These questions are for physical abuse but there is also mental abuse that isn’t addressed.

Same here. I understand the motives because of what I’ve read on the subject, but I cannot imagine ever being in a state where killing someone you proclaim to love seems logical or justified. It’s just... these aren’t objects that you might smash in a fit of rage because you can’t imagine letting anyone else use them.

Honestly, I think it speaks more to American culture. We’re taught (through movies, tv, political rhetoric, etc.) that only “pussies” talk to their enemies or negotiate with those they feel are “wrong.” Just look at the republican debates - everyone saying they’d never speak to Putin but they’d throw troops at him to

Yeah, it’s fucking terrifying. Can’t see your baby? Shoot her, that’ll help. :\

Just the level of mental disturbance required to not only consider this, but follow through...

We need more mental health here in America. Just in general. We aren’t mentally healthy and we arent ready to admit to I guess.

Unfortunately, this has been somewhat debunked by Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings…. Law enforcement, hospitals, etc., have received no training about what to do with this campaign. In addition, there’s the problem of the viral nature of this campaign: if the black dot campaign is well known on Facebook

Don’t worry, while thoughts like that sometimes creep up, I’m getting better at just being happy with who I am and worrying less!

This is a common threat in these situations, and it is why many are afraid to leave their abuser.

The logic these people use when they’re angry. It’s mindboggling. Like the guy who threw his baby off a cliff because he didn’t want to pay child support.

“I need help.” Those three words can be tough for anyone to say, but for victims of domestic violence, experts say it often feels nearly impossible and can put them in more danger.