7-11's Hostage

Yeah, this data is ugly to look at, but my reaction is basically:


Remember, if everybody is allowed to open-carry without question, people like this can be taken down and prevented from injuring more...

Yeah...and it’s not like dating a younger woman is like pressing a button. Especially since 20-25 year old women (and most women older than that as well) get hundreds of messages a week, most of them not from men old enough to be their dads. Why do men’s ideal preferences matter so much anyway?

My girlfriend is a nurse & she and her coworkers were PISSED. I think it’s because nurses work their asses off. I can’t tell you how hard she works but nursing is one of those jobs where the stereotype hasn’t caught up to the reality. People (well, morons) keep thinking of nursing as a predominantly female profession

Americans have a high opinion of nurses and in annual polls typically rate them as the most honest and ethical of all professionals. Their professional organizations and unions are growing more powerful as well. Because of all that, advertisers and show executives alike are going to run from that kind of trouble in a

And nurses routinely poll #1 as America’s most trusted profession. Almost everyone has a relative, friend, or neighbor who is or was a nurse.

I’m shocked it has lasted as long as it has with all the drama between co-hosts over the years. Just put it out of its misery already.

It’s probably because nurses aren’t judged like immigrants or rape survivors as being less than others.

That’s what I keep thinking.

Their audience is women. Disproportionately, nurses are women.

Nurses are very cool, very hard-working people. By contrast, the talking heads on The View just sit there and run their fool mouths. Way to pick a fight, geniuses.

I just want people who are able to separate their faith from law. Also not to force their religious values on me and others. By my measure, a lot of Christain fail my test.

Actually, Egregious Lying is leading the polls.

If only the ‘balance’ wasn’t bullshit. Fox has ruined that word so much, it’ll end up meaning the opposite in 100 years like awful.

I agree. It makes me laugh when Conservatives cry about the media being “Liberal biased”. The media is sensationalist and nothing more.

That’s just the thing. The media doesn’t have to be like this. The media and journalism as a whole should be about the truth, regardless of who looks bad for it. If you’re not about the truth then what’s the point? To publish lies? Then give kindergartners the jobs, because at least the stories they’d make up or print

I’m not American but I don’t understand why you guys don’t just let the south secede to form the Christian Taliban government they so clearly desire. Think how much revenue would be available when the red state tax dollar drain is gone!

I think it’s ridiculous how people on the left and right will try to smear someone for invoking their Fifth Amendment rights. These people obviously know nothing about how the law works.

Don’t debut it at the cookout. Invite your bro-in-law over sometime, cook it for him, see how he reacts. If he gushes over it, bring it next time. Next weekend, play it safe and bring the drinks.