7-11's Hostage

She’s so brave for being calm in this trying situation

I think you’re likely correct. I live in one of the most conservative states in the country. I attended an engagement party this week for two same-sex friends of mine, in a public area in a restaurant no doubt, and strangers were coming over to congratulate them. No one complained, and the restaurant owner would have


No contest.

The end of Under the Skin was jarring, mostly because I was suddenly sympathizing with a murderous alien, even if it was using the body of Scarlett Johansson. The quietness of the final image stuck with me for a few days after seeing it twice (back to back on Amazon Prime).

Great GREAT choice but nobody who is thinking of watching that film should watch that clip! Seriously. Please people, don’t watch it!!!

For reasons now unfathomable to me, when I was younger I watched Sleepaway Camp. (My sister liked it, I think.) Anyhoo... that’s an ending that’s pretty much etched into my brain forever...

That is probably the best way to see it: you had a properly authentic Blair Witch experience! I saw it in the cinema and knew it wasn’t real and it still petrified me.

I have two answers.

One of the most effective endings I’ve ever seen. It’s been 2 decades since I’ve seen it and I still remember it.

Fucking creeps me out still. smh

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I was in my early teens when I watched Psycho for the first time. The “granny in the basement” scene is the one that got me. I couldn’t get it out of my head for several nights...


I saw Eraserhead at a far too tender age, at my local indie movie theater. I had no idea what it was. But no movie before or since has disturbed me like that movie. The main character cuts his deformed baby’s bandages open, oh my god, and the the room starts flashing and the main Character goes into a trip where the

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Tarkovsky’s Solaris. This is one of the few movies that really feels like a dream.

“She wouldn’t even harm a fly...” Well, good for you then.

Don’t debut it at the cookout. Invite your bro-in-law over sometime, cook it for him, see how he reacts. If he gushes over it, bring it next time. Next weekend, play it safe and bring the drinks.

For maximum edge, I would have gone with sickle cell rather than diabetes, but otherwise, I loved the article.

I grew up playing spades but am now forced to play ‘euchre’ thanks to my wife’s midwest childhood.