7-11's Hostage

They want you to envision yourself as the hero in the white hat... the good guy with the gun... the tough guy with the huge ballsack. It’s jagoff wet dream.

They want to live in some phony trumped up version of the Old West as they remember it from movies.

This is essentially the accepted reality when you live in the idealized world envisioned by the NRA and 2nd Amendment absoluters (the kind who think guns should be available to anyone and everyone at all times). You basically accept that your freedom to have ALL THE GUNS comes with the trade off that at any given

Unfortunately, gun nuts are going to use that gruesome detail to defend owning guns. “See? It’s not just guns that are killing people. Let’s focus on hatchet crimes!”

Hard to think of too many things worse than shooting inside of a school.

Started reading this, “Oh for godsakes, another shooting in movie theater/school/church” and then was actually shocked when I read

Not yet, anyway.

We have set aside over 6 billion dollars (which doesn’t even include operating costs) for these for next year. I wonder what effect they will have on the lives of the born and “unborn”.

Some of his best friends are healthy women.

Thats the sad thing. Not that I ever agree with their views, but many times these GOP contenders are selling ideas that they don’t even believe in. They are attempting to get the vote based on those ideas only. They look for hot topic items, and then spew their hatred that way. The funny thing is that IF one were to


Alan Grayson’s snark that the GOP’s health plan is “don’t get sick, and if you do, die quickly” is becoming truer every day.

You people keep using that word, “Misspeak”! I do not think it means what you think it means.

We clearly need to separate this country into two countries. If you choose to live in the country that doesn’t want fetal tissue used for medical research then you do not get the advantage and use of the health advancements that come from it. Then that country dies off sooner and we become one country again. I have a

dogwhistle the shit out of our reservoir of misogynists and racists.

What blows my mind is the level of consistency in his core beliefs over decades. It’s not like he’s sticking to a belief because he’s obstinate; he was just ahead of the curve and hasn’t backed down. He seems to have integrity, which is refreshing. (I say this as a Canuck who’s become very cynical in the last ten

They don’t hate shit, they don’t really give a damn about abortion, babies or women. They scream this garbage because their advisors tell them it will get them elected, and the Republican base proves them right.

If Democrats said things like this in ads, they’d win more elections. Don’t know why they don’t. Exposing Republican hypocrisy should be absolute priority #1.

This new line up of gutless Republican wunderkinds don’t even REALIZE their worshipped and venerated forefathers made this happen.

“Misspeaking” appears to be a Bush family trait.