7-11's Hostage

I’m a lesbian and have been on hormonal birth control for a very, very long time. I would love for someone to try and make that argument with me in person, it would make my day to enlighten them.

Right. And why should my money pay for diabeetus medicine for people who could just eat right and exercise? Such people should be more leery of where that logic leads than they are.

I don’t know why, but the condescention of this comment just makes me barf.

There are no words I can say that these gifs don’t say for me.

It’s as if, you know, birth control helps women.

Clearly you have done something very, very right! Your daughter is hilarious.

I don’t know if it’s something we did right or wrong, but our daughter started making Lizzie Borden “jokes” about a year ago. She asked for an ax for christmas. I told her not until we get a steel door on our bedroom.

I’ve been to meetings like that. There was a public meeting at my son’s school to discuss space issues.

.... F*dga o;ta gj%$#i;ot u*%prjgpoa#*^’wejgoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

YAY! My Republican Senator voted no!!! He must’ve gotten my email. And my tweets. I am a relentless constituent.

One of the after school programs here had a really tough time getting funding and one of the things that kept coming up was that it would become a “dumping ground” for kids- and then there were the typical people who were saying that kids were going to get sent to this program just to eat the food or go on the outings

“At a July 28 anti-abortion rally, presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), ‘[calls] on the Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into the people who appear in the undercover videos.’”

God Damnit Republicans, this is going to cost me shit-tons of money. METRIC SHIT TONS of money. Stop it!

What’s Echo doing behind her? She’s there to take everyone out, right?

That’s good. I feel we could keep this up all night.

Do you get it now lifers? Leave women alone. We are tired of this shit.

We should not rest until we have done everything to protect the lives of unborn living children. http://1.usa.gov/1g2jZu6 Fixed it.

Unborn children is kind of an oxymoron. You can either be one or the other- not both.

Fuck these guys trying to defund it.

Trying to fight conservatives with logic is like arguing with a drunk person. I don’t know what to do anymore, but we can’t give up.