7-11's Hostage

when I read that, my History diploma actually shed tears.

I can help with exactly one of these things:

I always hear it’s us slutty sluts who have them in lieu of taking birth control because it’s fun and we like killing babies!

I find the use of agonizing and heartbreaking to be emotionally freighted terms. I can imagine that for a woman who is terminating a wanted pregnancy for health or other medical reasons would be heartbroken over the decision. For women who have made the decision to have an abortion, whatever,their reasons, they might

Fresh laundry is the best.

When I was a kid I’d hide in the pile of freshly done laundry until my mom kicked me out. :P

I have a significant ex too that still 8 years post break up shows up often in my dreams and occasionally in real life. I just remember the shit they pulled, the shit they put me through, and put that in the front of my mind. You never really get over it though, it leaves a mark. But I will say this as well, you are

It is a simple medical procedure. On average, America does nearly 1,000 a day, every day, 24/7/365. Of course it’s a simple procedure and decision because the woman effectively has to just lay there. It’s not like she’s doing the heavy lifting.

As a hermit-level introvert, I have a mantra I keep repeating in my head during days of heavy social interaction: “fake it till you make it, fake it till you make it, fake it till you make it”. I know it’s lame, but it gives me the perspective that 1) sometimes I need to be sociable and people can’t really tell that

Thank you. I just was like, are you fucking kidding me? What are you trying to do? See if I’ll get pissed and tell you off? Or that I’ll ignore it and still (possibly) fuck you?

he sent me an MRA meme Titled “Feminist Hypocrisy” with a “Haha this is a good one”

This, exactly. We are not talking about women who were 6 weeks pregnant and had a medication abortion. I would wager at least some of these fetuses were wanted, and for those women, it is entirely possible it was “agonizing” and “heartbreaking.” I totally understand wanting to “break stigmas” but this is a person who

Exactly. I also thought viewing autopsy or autopsy photos would be cool when I first thought of the opportunity (I think there’s an aspect of unveiling something *forbidden*, plus CSI really made it seem like something awesome), but really, no. In addition to the respect you develop for the whole thing, seeing live

I think it’s described that way to make the point that it IS a logical, rational choice (even if it is made with great emotion) as opposed to the reckless, irresponsible, impulsive act pro-lifers make it out to be. Something can be both rational and emotional at the same time, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I work

My mother is a forensic pathologist. She gets tons of request from curious people wanting to observe an autopsy (I guess because CSI makes everyone think it’s super interesting). Her response is invariably “No.” My mom does not perform an autopsy for the hell of it; she performs them in the interest of public health

Agreed. There’s a subset of people out there who want there to be an underclass and wants them to suffer. It’s the only way these people can feel smug and superior. A while back Gawker did a post on how giving homeless people a home actually costs less taxpayer money than letting them stay homeless. There were still

I’m going to copy/paste this too.


As far as super white teeth I find them too much these days. Take care of your teeth, sure, and get them cleaned regularly, but the super blue white thing? Distracting.

Well, this seems like a stretch. I mean, a white head feels much more disgusting than a black head. I know I shouldn’t, but I pop those white heads as fast as I can and feel embarrassed by them a lot more than other blemishes.