7-11's Hostage

Can’t even legally compel someone to donate blood.

Even if we consider that clump of cells a human or alive, you could still make a great case to kill it. Can you force someone to use their organs as life support for a fully formed person?

They earned your ass. Earned it.

Well, I spoke for general attitudes where I’m located. You may be from a more progressive place, or raised with a more progressive attitude. You being an exception, doesn't excuse the rule.

Come visit Louisiana. You can hear it said out loud right here in my city. Because of the amount of money I make, if my boyfriend & I break up, I’ll have a much harder time meeting someone new. There’s only a small number of women where I work, but we laugh about it all the time. Our joke is,”When a guy won’t leave

“We need to arm the fetuses so they can shoot their way out of those sluts! Second Amendment!11!!”

This man is what I would call a monster. A man so entrenched in what he sees as his own righteousness that he sees abusing people from his faux pulpit will get him what he wants.

No chance of getting elected (mind you, I thought that about W even after he got the nomination), but it’s important because if he can get enough of a groudswell/money behind him he can effect the platform and policies of the eventual nominee. As a comparison, notice how far left Hillary has been swinging since Bernie

Exactly, he wanted to be the wildcard except that position was already taken.

I believe that this is the 5th or 6th time in the last two days when I’ve read some comment or action of a Republican asshole and been incapable of the ability of responding thoughtfully. All I can come up with is, “FUCKHIMFUCKHIMFUCKHIM! WHATADICK! (No, wait, I like dicks.) WHAT A FUCKING AWFUL MISOGYNISTIC

Like Cruz I think he believes that Trump is going to implode soon, so he’s positioning himself as the heir to the mantle of the “straight-talking”, bombastic arch-conservative.

Can’t even override the wishes of dead people and use their parts if they said no while they were alive. Fucking corpses get more bodily autonomy than women do.

Not sure where I read it but someone suggested that Huckabee is going for “outrageous” comments because it’s working for Trump.

Small government politics: Where using taxpayer money to force a woman to birth an unwanted child is A-Ok, but giving her money to help feed it is totally not.

Women do work in jobs that have turned out to earn less. And that points to an even worse kind of sexism. Why are the jobs that traditionally more women have done, been considered worth less $ than those that men did? Ex. Why is my child’s daycare teacher (woman) getting paid a 3rd of what the man who tightened a bolt

Except for on conservative or MRA blogs, or if you happen to encounter a random conservative/MRA online somewhere who voices that view.

Hooooo doggies.

“The pay gap exists because women choose to work less hard and go into lower-paying fields.” Oh man, if only I had 77 cents for every time I heard that line...

My parents owned an apartment building and one of their best tenants fled overnight after being assaulted by her boss at work. She left nearly everything behind and later called my parents to let them know why. I often helped my parents at the apartments and my sister and I cleaned after people left. It was the late

Literally only one of those things - ‘I’m against women earning as much as men’ - is something they won’t say out loud anymore. Everything else, they still have no shame.