7-11's Hostage

My concern is why this article is so soft about this issue. “moderately sketchy” “trying to supress citizen journalism” why would this article even mention the part about supressing free speech. jezebel needs to be harder about this type of story. that organization is straight up slandering planned parenthood. that’s

Yeah, look at Texas. They formed a commission to “investigate” PP even though the PP Texas affiliates don’t do tissue donation. So what exactly is Texas investigating? it doesn’t even make sense.

He acknowledges students have been hurt by this decision and he regrets that? Fuck him. No he doesn’t. So tired of the religious right happily trampling on others under the guise of religious freedom.

I will never understand the religious right.

Tell it, sister. Our lady brains just get discombobulated with all that edumacation. It’s bad for the uterus!

I have a strong feeling they have 0 regret about doing it.

Well lets just be real here. A woman's place is not really in a university anyway.

You have gone too far. Expecting people to do right and shit. Pppssssbbbbhhhhtttt.

Shit like this is why I do not identify as a Christian, even though I love me some Jesus. The man said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” So unless you’d like to have your healthcare coverage yanked out from under you, Mr. Chelsen, I’d suggest reconsidering.

Just like Jesus would do.

Well yeah, didn’t Jesus himself say, “Better to deny all students all healthcare than allow one woman to have affordable birth control”

“I acknowledge that students have been hurt by this decision and I regret that,” Chelsen said.

Thanks for lending a hand and channeling some of your rich old white man power into helping my American friends, Warren! I think this is just swell. If I get another cat because I am not ready for a baby (shout-out to my IUD), I’ll name it Warren Buffett.

Maybe. But I feel like “unclimatized” wouldn’t be the correct word in that situation.

As a speech-language pathologist, I always roll my eyes when I hear complaints about vocal fry. Almost everyone uses that creaky voice quality sometimes, especially toward the ends of sentences as you run out of air to vibrate your vocal folds. So it’s not the optimal way to produce voice (optimal quality being good

THIS. And nonplussed. They changed nonplussed to mean what people incorrectly thought it meant. *weeps openly*

it’s never to late to get rid of your fecks

It’s said that money doesn’t so much as change people, but bring out the person that they truly are. I think that’s true.

I thank him, but I still do not think that something as important as sexual health should have to rely on the whims of rich dudes for their funding. For a start it is incredibly insecure as a source of funding. For those rich dudes it is a tax on compassion. The compassionate pay, and the callous get to not only skip