7-11's Hostage

Speaking as an ‘outsider’. i.e. a foreigner. Do Americans register how utterly bizarre is the fact that abortion - of all things - seems to take up about 70% of the time and energy in American political discourse?

Right. Fetal tissue testing is why we have a polio vaccine, an MMR vaccine... fetal tissue is being used to look for a cure for AIDS, to birth defects... they’d rather people die so they can get political talking points.

Cool. I already posted this on another story here in Jezebel, so I might as well post it again because THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS. I had an abortion for a fatal fetal anomaly. You know, my baby was going to die at birth because of a genetic defect yada yada yada. If my son’s body was able to find a cure, or get

I’m wondering this too. My visit to PP was because no one at my gynecologist office had the training to insert my birth control. I’m not poor and I have great insurance, PP was just my only option for what I needed. The PP I went to was great: clean, clear instructions, patience for my never ending list of questions.

Oh, they know that. This movement has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood beyond its status as a symbol of women’s health. Without their advocacy and high-profile - as well as education budget - smaller providers will fall as well. They know that if PP is gone, abortion may as well be gone.

Soooo, PP has no hidden agenda. I should know-I worked there. Their ONLY goal is to provide health care and education for people (men and women). Sometimes, that includes abortion but that’s a tiny portion of what they (and other clinics, incidentally) do. for some reason they have been pilloried with this mythology

“...said that the women who use Planned Parenthood would have no trouble finding somewhere else to go.”

But of course they followed up with all of the funding they plan to throw at the services for people who have unwanted children they can’t afford right?....right?

They can defund PP as long as the government makes pap smears, STD screenings, birth control, and abortions readily available and free.

It’s also what you get when you don’t vote at all.

What is the point when they don’t use federal funds for abortions????? Oh I see....to get votes from the sheeple.

Thank God for Planned Parenthood when I was in high school...and after too. Me & my friends went there more than once for help & questions on things that we could never bring up with our parents. Well actually, I tried to once & my mom shot me down. They helped with questions & protection & exams for teens with no

“In my state there are eight times as many healthcare centers as Planned Parenthoods. I have ever confidence they can absorb the legitimate healthcare needs of women for purposes we all agree on.”

It’s cartoon-villain level fuckery, right? Have they actually never met a poor/lower-middle class person before? Shit, I’m not destitute, but I still avoid going to the doctor whenever possible because that shit’s expensive. Planned Parenthood does cancer screening, STD testing, breast exams, and so much other

in all seriousness...seriously???

I hate that some videos are showing actual images of fetal tissue to make people feel disgusted and therefore be against its use in scientific research. Here’s a short list of other things that people would feel disgusted by if they had to see it in its full glory:

I’m pro-choice and pro-women and pro-equality and pro-people and pro-peace and all that. But Jesus H Christ I HATE how goddamned abortion gets trotted out every election to start a big brouhaha and DISTRACT US FROM THE OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES AND POLICIES. Both sides of politics are guilty as hell of this. Why does the

So if these assholes feel so passionate about saving the lives of these babies why don’t they fund food stamps and other aid for single mothers. If they want to be a “good” Christians they need to do it all the way not just part of it.

No sir-ee, the Republicans certainly DO NOT have a “war on women”! Mmmhmmm.

“Women who do actually have legitimate healthcare needs other than abortion are taken care of in this legislation,” Cornyn said. “It will actually increase women’s access to primary care.”