7-11's Hostage

“This is as frustrating as seeing shampoo that doesn’t say it’s for men or women.” If it’s more expensive, that’s usually a reliable indication that it’s for women.


I laughed. Thank you.


“That’s not a step many mothers would make without life and death being at stake.” And that is exactly the point of it. So fucked up.

My first thought as well. Also, he, according to the law, didn’t have to answer because his parents weren’t present. Fucking Texas.

“Bureaucratus, god of bureaucracy.” Somewhere, HL Menken is smiling.

Oh, magnificent, wordles shade. I can forgive a great deal of a peron if they’re skilled in that particular art.

“What you mean is feminism isn’t working out for YOU” is really the long and short of it.

Worse still, he’s going after someone who shared what sounds like a unimagibaly painful *lived* experience with nothing but idealogically-driven arguments. At least take a moment to understand that’s there is an actual person you’re responding to.

I’m also very sorry for the suffering both you and your mother endured. It sounds terrible, but you sound lovely.

Jesus Christ, leave her alone. Give it a rest already. After reading several of your posts, it’s probably a stretch to say that people find *you* oh so pleasant to be around.

“Rape seeks to take away power and autonomy. And recovery is so individuated and personal, but a universal theme with survivors is the importance of being able to really own their story and their feelings, even if nobody else in the world understands why.”

I love you for this. Thank you.

“My oldest sister has since forgiven him. and acts as if she deserves a nobel peace prize for this.” That’s not forgiveness; that sounds more like redirected, mutated rage. No one is automatically a better person because they have the capacity, inclination, and /or desire to forgive. I seriously hate that it’s weilded

It’s total and complete bullshit, the expectation of forgiveness is no forgiveness at all but a quiet demand for capitulation.

And anyone who would try to make you feel bad about that should be sent, in no uncertain terms, on their merry fucking way (writes the person who forgives the person who has been violating her for nearly two years, but wishes he would just go so very, very fucking far away, forever).

You are what I need in my life. (I chose this

i’m missing something— what did they do? I’d like, for once, to be let in on it, get some of the enjoyment others are having.

For what it’s worth, you’re both right, in my opinion. It’s natural that you would lash out. You’re rattled, and justifably so, because, like the other person pointed out, it *is* horrific. I wish you well.

No. Who is that?