7-11's Hostage

Truth. Truth and praise be. (I bartended for years.)

Thank you. Your response brought on a crying jag. You have no idea how long it’s been since someone has shown me real kindness. That sounds self-pitying (and maybe it is, I don’t know). Anyhow, thank you, sincerely. <3

That gif! Bless you.

“Fuck these guys who have daughters and continue to think like this!!” Word.

Damn, you just reminded me that I have yet to return my cable box (and I haven’t for the very same reasons you didn’t: depression. Oh, and round the clock violation and abuse, that’s also why. Life in crisis, through no fault of my own. It’s a hell of a thing.) Anyhow, I’m happy to read that things have gotten better

My anger wasn’t directed at you, but I should have made that clear. It’s directed at the idea that they’re somehow doing women who seek abortions a favor by creating a little loophole (“the ones whose lives are in danger, well, that’s OK, then”). Women don’t need a loophole, not when we have a law that protects our

“To be fair, some anti-abortion people don’t have problems with procedures when the mother’s life is at risk.” How profoundlly generous of them, I’m sure they feel it as such. Problem is, pro-choicers and woemn who choose to have abortions don’t need their generosity; we have a law instead.

Well, knowing this helps. I honestly didn’t know. Thank you.

“[Agonizing and heartbreaking” “the golden-tinged cells” -this kind of phrasing plays right into the anti-abortionists hands. It doesn’t communicate the reverence for life that these people seem to imagine it does.

“So, with limited, shoddy equipment and little hope of getting good care if they come home?” My thoughts, exactly. I was waiting to see if someone would say as much. Thank you.

“Enervate” is one of those words. It’s only a matter of time before it goes the way of “nonplussed”

Thank you. I actually read that comment, but must have, in my rage, forgotten all about it. Thanks again.

“And, according to another commenter, there is a group already taking credit for the PP hack.”

“until they know for certain who did the hacking, making claims like that seems like propaganda.” Or, just maybe, an educated guess. Considering the last week, that doesn’t seem like an outlandish extrapolation. But I’m sure you know better.

How did you become a volunteer for PP? What’s the process? These last few days have me enraged because I have two young nieces who will very likely need PP in the future, and no, not for abortions but because of no health insurance.

In my understanding of it, “an eye for an eye” is a way to *limit* the desire for revenge, ie: if I steal a pack of cigarettes, you cannot come over and burn my house down, kill my relatives, and steal a pack of cigarettes. But that’s just my interpretation of it.

Truly. It’s fucking staggering, staggering and revolting and heartbreaking, how attuned women are to violence directed at that. It makes me so fucking sick for my younf neices what they have to face, how little things have changed.

My thoughts, exatly. I nearly jumped out of my kin when I read it. Revolting.

Holy fucking shit, the not-too-subtle sexual hostility in that phrasing is stomach-turning. These people never cease to amaze me. From here on in, I’m going to donate to PP on a monthly basis. I seriosuly am so disappointed in myself that I haven’t been doing just that for all these years.

I’ll believe it when I see it. Generally, the usual tactic is to wait out the storm, and proceed business as usual.