Because I literally think I’ll never get this chance again: SASUGA AINZ-SAMA!
Recessive genes.
A-Fucking-Men. As much as Workshop wants to keep sucking Angelos’ cyber dick, I just want an army to smash into another army and enjoy the fireworks.
Problem is these people typically want people to hear them. So an account spouting out random shit could be anyone, and then no one cares, and that person feels unimportant (as they should).
EVE Online is the greatest game to read about.
No mention of Two Best Friends Play? You don’t love this shit right here?
Now give me Demon Souls *makes grabby hands motion*
So........ basically big studio screws little studio?
Were those games on sale due to Steam Holiday Sale? Could be next level attempts at avoiding letting the player base get stuff on sale.
That’s how most apps with purchasable stuff in them are. You play and play and play and either never spend a dollar or spend a little, then the moment you miss a day you never go back. Has happened to me about 5 times now (Hello Hero, Summoner Wars, that Star Wars one, FE Heroes, and one I’m forgetting the name of).
Always figured it was a marketing thing for the sake of making “cute animals kids want to buy”. That’ll still be the same result, but insetting how they were made for the sake of making things easier for the effects team. Easier to cover a blue dot with a red dot then remove the dot.
In one of my first PUBG games, I decided to try and be sneaky. I got a blue car, took it out into the middle of a wheat field, and parked it facing East. I knew that they spawn facing that way, so I parked it, proned in the field behind a bail, and waited. I waited for about two/three enclosing. I knew someone would…
Looks uncomfortable to control. Probably slobber on you. Still cute as a snoot. 11/10 Would feed kibble then complain it doesn’t eat it’s food.
Regardless of how you feel about him, Stevo is in the right here and the current reporting system if completely flawed. It’s a system where people who get... well, “butthurt”, can find a way to exact revenge against people who they perceive are fucking “their” game up. To compound on that, people who play Ranked are,…
Off topic completely, but how do people get through the first part of FF14? I downloaded the free thing for it over the weekend and the first bloody hour was just running quests and I didn’t even hit anything till a little after said hour.
These two groups, together on a single title, can make something truly special. I am super looking forward to seeing more on this game, as fantasy shooters is something we DEFINITELY do not get enough of.
Because no one balances pve and pvp separately anymore; don’t you play GW2?
So... the murderer is going to be Reynold’s more famous movie role then? The murderer is going to be the Green Lantern?
Just realized, that’s Gon’s hair in the Monster Hunter clip.